
Ok this is another issue I have Social and gross motor skills in my child are lacking yes he is only 6months old but I have him in a program that do assessments every two months so for the past two assessments he has been in the middle of the scale for social and gross motor skills. Im not worried about it now but my sister kid is five years old and he is having social skill problems now its called the “young five’s” now here is where my concern come in. I don’t want to ignore the problem just because he is still a baby and it will come of course but if I address it now then I feel that I can give him a head start and hopefully this slight help from gymboree or another type of class it would benefit him in the long run. I realize that I can just put him on the floor and he will have to learn all the problem solving and cause and effect issues but when he cries i come to his aid and pick him up. I feel that im hindering him because I dont’ want him to cry and you know all that mommy stuff. So what im asking is that does anyone go to gymboree or little gym or my gym, if so how did it help your child?

I do bring my daughter (28 months) to a “My Gym” class. I don’t think that she is learning anything special that she couldn’t just pick up at the outdoor playground or the free indoor playarea in the mall. I just like it better. It’s more convenient and pleasant - climate controlled, changing room stocked with free complimentary diapers, hand sanitizers, water coolers, etc. At the playground we don’t always find children her age, so she might have to play alone. Also it gives me a sense of community because the same moms are there each week in our class. Although my daughter exercises her muscles and interacts with other children, I haven’t noticed any great increase in motor skills or social skills due to our “My Gym” class so I’m not sure it would resolve deficits.


Thank You Lori