Guidelines for PreK-K

For those of us who have early learners here is a sight to help you keep track of your LO’s progress.

Good stuff to know. Thanks.

It’s really good.Thanks.

I use the printed grading scale or progress report for my co-op. I like having the guidelines of PreK and K ready for parents who ask what is my child really suppose to be able to do at K level. So this site help with that. Thanks

Really? My four year old can do most everything on the kindergarten list. Must be because we use Little reader and Little math, along with Doman’s physically superb program! Guess we are doing something right.

Every state is different however if you go by the school’s evaluation. I agree that my 4 year old that I tutor is the same way. Maybe the list hasn’t been updated recently but I would say that we have great LO’s. According to our district this is the minimun requirements from my understanding but it is a place to start. I would check with your states or countries government education site. I think ours is to see what they say is the requirements I did have that on file somewhere actually let me see if I can pull it up.

Here is a new website that has listed the guidelines for homeschooling for ALL grades!

Hi Mother of faith,
Did you subscribe for the Is it good? If yes any content suitable for your younger son?


How young? Well it is awesome for school aged children 1st grade and up. However you have to do a lot of planning and searching, and possibly some printing. I love the site. We use the curricula now along with others. However you might try also i think that is it. But I found myself planning more then teaching so be advised of that, but it is great. I have found though that some of the grades contents has been repeated.

try for an awesome website as well for curricula for any grade level. I love this as well.