"Guide to Making Your Child an A Student" / WordSmart

I was eating breakfast this morning while watching TV when I had stumbled with the infomercial with this heading “Smartest Kid in Class”…or something like that. I don’t really remember the exact title. Ofcourse I was drawn to it and flipped to that channel instantaneously. But anyway, it was an infomercial for “WordSmart,” an interactive learning computer software for improving vocabulary. I just found it really interesting. They made the program like a game that even kids would love and enjoy learning new words. They claim that their program increases vocabulary, which therefore increases ones reading comprehension. My child is only 6 month-old so I don’t think this program is any use to her for right now. But I would like other people’s input about this, because I am really considering buying it for her at a later time, when she is able to read.

They have different programs for different levels. They have one for Pre-K to Grade 2, which teaches fundamental reading skills and phonics. The next level is for grade school, the Grade School Excellence, which introduces over 5000+ words, with 1400 of them defined, and about 200 core words essential for mastering the English language. The next level after that is for middle schoolers, the Middle School Excellence. Then they have the High School Excellence, which they claim could improve your child’s SAT score by 200pts and ACT score by 4 pts. That’s just amazing! I am gullible with these sorts of advertisement, and stats like that just convince me :biggrin:. Then they have the Adult Learning Excellence for older people who want to increase their own vocabulary.

WordSmart also offers other programs such as:
• Words Adventure 2008 – suitable for ages 7-12
• SAT/ACT Test Prep
• Progressive Reader 2008 – for Speed Reading and Comprehension
• GRE/gMAT Test Prep

Here is their website: http://www.wordsmart.com/

Personally, I would like to get one for myself lol . But check it out! And let me know what you think :slight_smile:

It looks interesting. I would like to try the adult version, but it is a little too pricey for me right now. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has used any of them for themselves or their kids.

Me too, I want to get the adult version. I didnt do so well on the Reading section of my ACT. But I believe it is never too late to learn new words. Although I finished college with flying colors, I still think my reading comprehension is subpar. Plus, with higher vocabulary, a person becomes a better speaker… and people would believe more of what you say. It just gains you more respect from your peers. That’s just my opinion :biggrin: