Guest Poster Wish List

I have really enjoyed the guest posters we’ve had from time to time, such as Robert Levy most recently, Coach Patty a while ago (the creator of Play Wisely and first generation Doman mom), and a few others that escape my mind. Oh! And let’s not forget The Reading Whisperer. lol

Who would YOU like to see come on the forum and guest post? Why not explain you are a forum member of an early learning community and invite them to come play for a while? :slight_smile: My personal wish list?

-Picking the brain of an ex-Shichida teacher. I have been in communication with one this week and I hadn’t planned on sharing it on here until he gave me the full green light, but hopefully in the next couple of days it will be a done deal and we can get the inside scoop from him here on the forum. Crossing my fingers anyway!
-Any parents who have “been there, done that”
-Any adults who were taught to read as babies

Who would you like to hear from? Let’s brainstorm. 8)

What about Doman himself? Highly unlikely I know but what the heck…

I would love some of the authors of these great books we review to stop by.
I have invited the Robinson family for a chat but no reply as yet. :frowning:
An ex Shichida teacher would be just amazing! fingers crossed.
how about the guy who wrote speed reading for kids?
or the people for Memorise in minutes ( the times tables people)
Or a person whos job it is to place advanced kids into university early…
or the gifted preschool lady, testing mum.
Oh and we should definately invite the reading whisperer back! :tongue: I did learn heaps from her…dispite her writing style.
Some graduated Shichida pupils with photographic memory
and anyone who has produced awesome kids following any method. Doman, shichida, rapid flash, other?

Yes, it’s so hard to find information from alumni. Jenene, I like you. Think big! :yes: Seriously though, anyone from the institutes would be amazing. Janet, Douglas or Neil Harvey. Hey, I’d even take the janitor. :slight_smile:

Tamsyn, your janitor remark made me laugh lol But, yes, anyone from the Institute would be great.

What about the Swann mother or daughter seeming that is what started the Swann family thread which then evolved into the Robinson thread?

I had wondered if anyone had contacted Dr Robinson or his family. Great to see that you have Manda. I think I read somewhere that Dr Robinson doesn’t actually sell or have anything to do with the Robinson curriculum any more though. So not sure whether he would still want to talk about it or not.

I invited the entire family :slight_smile: I think I will even send a follow up invitation. Hey if they want to sell me the curriculum they can at least pop by for a chat right? :wink:
Yes I think the janitor would be full of information! Great idea! You anyone, absolutely anyone from the institute.
Has Dr Titzer ever popped by? Wonder if he considers LR the competition or the support?