This is Maddy, mother to Naimah (DOB 22 Sept 07) and editor of BrillBaby. com.
I’m discussing my experiences of teaching Naimah sign language and instant math, as well as other parenting issues, on my blog. Go to the BrillBaby homepage and click on Editor’s Blog.
If you’re teaching anything to your baby at home (or taking your baby to classes of any description), I’d love to hear from you. Besides interesting happenings and observations of my own, I’d like to include other parents’ on the blog, so feel free to email me.
Meanwhile, if you have anything to ask me about pregnancy, parenting or teaching babies, feel free to start a new thread on the Forum.
And do remember to introduce yourself here! I look forward to chatting with you guys
I am Trevalyn from the beautiful Caribbean island of st lucia. I am a secondary school teacher and a single mum. My son Blanchard Jr is 2 and attends daycare. He can be pretty bossy at times and i am not sure how to handle him. Can I get some tips thank you.
I am new to the forum and noticed that you’re looking for tips to teach your baby sign language and I’ve decided to share a little bit of my experience with you.
I bought the complete Baby Signing Time series for my twins ( Olivia and Nicholas, 23 months old) in January this year. Since then my whole family has started watching the videos and signing with the twins. I strongly recommend that you invest in this series as the videos are very entertaining, the instructions are clear, the music is great and the graphics are catchy. Within weeks, my twins have picked up up to 60 new vocabularies and signs! This is the best investment in terms of early learning programs that I’ve made so far. I have just bought the follow up Signing Time series and I’m looking forward to enjoying the videos and learning new signs together with my kids.
These videos make learning and practicing English language fun.
I’m quite new to the site. My daughter was about 4 months when I first started putting the ‘black and white’ infant stimulation pictures in front of her and she just stares at them and thats what prompted me to find more things from the site. Since then, I’ve found so many more interesting things that has captured her attention, particularly all the free downloads in different languages.
We’ve also just startd the ‘Little Reader’ and ‘Little Math’. I think she prefers the maths to the Reader though…don’t know why… maybe someone can explain lol lol lol