Greetings from HK

Hi Everybody! My daughter is just 2 years old in Dec… I start to play flash card 3 months ago. She loves to learn with my netbook. However, it’s really time consuming to prepare the powerpoint files. It’s really good to learn to know LR. My daughter like the trial lesson but all lessons here are with the same content.
If I purchase it, is this I need to download the contents for the other lessons? What is the content? Will it has lesson for other language like Chinese? Do I need to paid for download the lessons?

I really want to start it as soon as possible.


Hi Yvonne, welcome!

I answered most of your questions here already:!/msg45289/

Regarding Chinese content, we will be releasing a Chinese curriculum soon (hopefully within first quarter this year), but this will not be included in the standard LR purchase. Pricing has not been determined yet. There are already Chinese-language files you can download though. Check out our Download area:

These can be played separately from the curriculum.

Welcome, Yvonne!

Welcome glad to have another Chinese person aboard to help out. It will inspire KL to hurry. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lots for the warm greetings and those helpful advise!

It seems that the download will deduct certain points. I read through the web page about the loyalty point program already. I think the LR should already comes with the presentation files, which don’t requires the points?
I also check the download library. It seems that those files are mainly flash of words and picture. It does not have those attractive viedo in the Multisensory in LR, right?

Besides, I installed the trial version in my Netbook (Lenovo). However, it always hang abnormally. The whole LR window closed and pop-up a small error window. Is LR supported in netbook?

I am really new to this software and web-site. Thanks a lot! Hope I can clear out those problems and prceed to start with the LR asap. My daughter really love to learn.


Some downloads require points. Those are ones that are premium quality. LR does come with tons of files preloaded. Most of the files that people create are just flash, but you can find some with videos and sounds.

As far as your netbook goes, I’m assuming it just has a gb of ram? If so, that’s why it lags. You should try upgrading the ram to at least 2gb.

Hi nhockaday, my netbook already has 2GB RAM. The main problem is it will suddenly ended. Then, it shows a screen and ask me to report the problem to Microsoft. Besides, I also find it requires quite long time (~40sec.) to load the LR after I click the icon.


Hi Yvonne,

Need to check out the specs on your netbook to see if this is the problem.

Easiest thing to do is to create a Diagnostic Report:

  • from Windows START menu
    → All Programs
    → BrillKids (folder)
    → Little Reader (folder)
    → find “Diagnostic” item.

It will generate a file called “Little_Reader_2010_…zip” in your C:.…\My Documents\BrillKids\Tools folder. Please send that to us.

Also, can you let us know when it hangs? Is it during playback only?

Hi KL,
Thanks a lots! I just send the report to
It always get the error window when I turn on my netbook. May be the LR has some setup process during window startup.
When I playing the LR, no matter it’s in the flash word or multisensory section, the LR may hang-up. I happens very frequent, may be up to 70%.
I also get the error window while I close the LR.

The same happen to LM too.

Then, I try with another notebook with a faster CPU. I also get the error window but it looks like the frequency reduce.

Hope this problem can be resolve and I can proceed to purchase the LR and LM. Hope I can still enjoy the 40%off promotion at that time.



Got it, thanks.

Programmers had a quick look. Processor is a bit weak, but it seems like the main issue is with the codecs. Can you please download and install this:

During setup, there will be a page called “Select Additional Tasks”, and you will see “Decode the following video formats with ffdshow” and “Decode the following audio formats with ffdshow”. PLEASE CHECK BOTH BOXES.

Please let us know how it goes. It may avoid the crashes, but it may still be slow. (but with version 1.6 that we will release soon (maybe later this month), you may find it faster.)