Greetings from Brazil

Hello everyone!

Here is Mario, Arthur’s father. I subscribed today to Brillkids and I’m in with the trial LR period. I have read some threads in this forum and I’m feeling very comfortable here since there are many people in this forum who think like me.

My son is 17 months. We are a Brazilian family but with a bilingual environment. I speak to my son in English and my wife speaks to him in Portuguese. So far he understands pretty well both languages but speaks English better.

We also use Baby Signs with him, which he understands and sign back and there are some people who speaks German with him.

Early reading is new to me, although I always read to him in English pointing the words since he was 4 months.

As many fathers, I have a lot of doubts. For example: by using LR, I’ll introduce reading to him very early in a language (English) that won’t be his main language. Has anyone here with a similar experience?



You can use Little Reader to teach both. :slight_smile: And no, he will not get confused. Lots of parents do it! Welcome to the group.

Thank you!

And do you know if there is anyone here that doesn’t even speak Chinese but are using LR in Chinese with their children? I mean, as a support for a foreign language :wub:


Yes, many parents are teaching languages we don’t know, including my own children using LR Chinese. We are native speakers of English and are dabbling in an assortment of languages.

Thanks again.

Hello Tonya,

I saw your blog and youtube channel. Congratulations for your great job!

Aww thank you! :blush: How thoughtful of you to say!

But let me say that there is nothing “special” about my kids. We just do what we can, when we can, which is something most kids (whose parents are not on this site) never get a chance to do. Give your little one the opportunities to learn and just keep at it over the long haul…you will be amazed. :slight_smile:

Hello Tonya,

I’ve read those two Free eBooks available from BrillKids: Teaching your baby to read and Teaching with little reader.

I also saw a lot of webpages in this site and forum. I’m amazed and I’m still in trial period, but so far…

I can’t get my son’s attention. At first I could have no attention. Later in the following day I could have him to watch an entire session. But he never wants to see it.

At first, he was always trying to get the mouse. But then when he understood what the software was about, he started paying attention without catching the mouse.

I tried to change the place. I took the laptop from our office and I put in his bedroom. Useless.

Two days ago I downloaded the Little Musician Trial. He enjoyed and saw twice the entire first session. But since yesterday, as I put him in my lap, he stays for 30 seconds and then leave. If he can see that I’m on the computer, he goes another room.

I’m not forcing him, and as soon as he wants to leave I let him go.

What should I do? Any advice or thread to read? Should I try something else more outside computer instead of Little Reader?



Today a funny thing happened. I made a session on Little Musician. My son seemed to want more. I did LR. Then I said “all done” and he got upset, like if we were really playing. I guess and hope he is starting to have fun.

After six days with Little Musician, I can tell he is really loving it. And for the first time he took his piano toy and played notes in sequence. Also, I was playing “Do Mi So” sequence, and he was then pointing keys and looking to me expecting me to say their names.