Greetings from a dedicated Grandfather

My wife and I lived In France for three years where we gained a high level of proficiency in French, but our two boys,
aged 3 and 8 when we arrived in France, became fluent because they were enrolled in French schools. We all gained a
multi-cultural perspective as well.

I now have a six-month old granddaughter, Devi, whom I want to teach using right brain methods and techniques.

However, I am developing a new program for teaching Devi, and other young children, in a multi-lingual environment
so as to take advantage of their natural abilities to assimilate languages, as was demonstrated so convincingly by our

This opportunity will be made available to children aged 3 months to 6 years, whose parents/caregivers are also interested
in giving their children the gift of bi- or multi-lingualism. The “native” tongue(s) of the parents/caregivers may be any
language(s) since the program will strive to follow an immersion technique.

This means that a child whose parents speak Spanish at home would be able to have the benefit of sessions in English,
French, German, Chinese, Arabic, etc, where the teaching is done by native speakers of those languages.

I am looking for a curriculum-based program, such as the “brillkids” series, to be the basis of my “Baby Diplomats”

In my brief review of this website, I have formulated some questions about the structure of the offerings, e.g.:

  1. What is the intent of the brillkids development team for creating matching curricula in foreign languages, i.e.
    curricula in French, Spanish, etc. that follow the same lesson plans as the current English-based program?

  2. In the download section dedicated to foreign languages, what is the rating system, who does the ratings, and what
    criteria are used for the ratings?

  3. What is the prospect for development of program offerings that focus on other critical areas such as Kinesthetics,
    Athletics, Music (performance with instruments), etc. in foreign languages as well as English?

If anyone wants a more detailed description of the “Baby Diplomats” concept, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Welcome, Grandpa! We’ve had several Grandma’s on this forum but this is the first time I’ve seen a Grandpa!


Curricula for other languages will be similar to the English one, but will be localized and adapted to suit the language so that characteristics of that language will be fully taken into account. Traditional and Simplified Chinese will come out first, followed by other major languages like Spanish, French, etc.

2) In the download section dedicated to foreign languages, what is the rating system, who does the ratings, and what criteria are used for the ratings?

Like YouTube, ratings are made by users, according to how much they liked it.

3) What is the prospect for development of program offerings that focus on other critical areas such as Kinesthetics, Athletics, Music (performance with instruments), etc. in foreign languages as well as English?

We will have Little Musician coming out soon (hopefully beta before the end of the year), which will come in different language interfaces soon after. No plans for Little Athlete or Little Mover yet… :slight_smile: