Greeting from Singapore

I am so excited to join this forum…Hope to interact with parents out there round the world ^-^ lol

Hi I’m from Sg too. Welcome! :smiley:

Welcome to the forum!

Hi there and welcome to the forum!! I hope you find lots of good info!

Hi! I’m from singapore too. I have a 5 months old baby boy and chance upon this website. I’m eager to let my infant try out the program. :smiley:

I live at Sengkang, hope to meet new mummies around there.

hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Been around but mostly reading and gathering loads of information here :slight_smile:
I’m from Singapore too!

Hi all! If you have time, do drop by at the Motherhood Fair at the Singapore Expo! I’m in town for this show and would love to meet you all!

See here for more info:


Oh hi ^^ I’m Anna
I manage to go to Singapore to study Economic, soon :slight_smile:

Hi All, Im from Singapore too! Anyone have already bought the program?
Im planning to get the Little Reader Basic soon…

Hi, I’m from Singapore too. My boy just turned 2yo and has been able to read both chinese & english since he was not yet 1. Enjoy your journey!