Great web site for learning sign language

I just stumbled across this great web site for learning sign language. I don’t think it has been mention on Brill Kids before. You can type in what ever common word you want & it will show someone doing the sign. Hope it can be useful to some of you. We love it!

Nice! Thank you so much for sharing it. Karma to you! :happy:

Wow! very nice!

Thanks! Karma to you!!!

Thanks! This will help me with my song signing.

Thanks a lot!! Great site!

Great site. Thank you. Karma to you.

They don’t have sing for bib though.

That might be a word that you have to finger spell.

What a great website. I wish we had something like this for AUSLAN

I have found the following AUSLAN websites quite useful. Hope any other Aussie parents who use them do too (you can print up your
own flash cards!)
free downloads: - allows you to do a kids tutorial and search for a sign

The best site is: - can look up signs for words and watch a video on line as to how to do the sign

BST and ST sound outstanding but for those of us who aren’t able to get them or feel that Aussie bubs should learn AUSLAN - the above seem like a good starting point.

I spoke to soon lol

Thanks for the Karma everyone!

I’m glad everyone is enjoying the site. My lo is learning signs so quickly that I think I’m on it every day!

Thanks for that, the sites look great, is good to get to know all Aussie sites.


Thanks the website links are great …


Wonderful site… Thanks for sharing… Karma to you :slight_smile:

Wow … it’s great site!! Thanks for sharing!
My little boy had watched “signing time” since baby. He loves the show very much! Although he has speech delay not yet able to talk now, but he start to copy the sound from the signing time show.
With this great website that kmum recommend, i can teach him more words and signs which can help us in communication!!