great video in gallery

I just noticed this video in the gallery, and thought I’d call attention to it, as people dont often look in the video gallery as new additions dont show up in the forum feed…;id=1868

Great job annisis
Where is it on youtube? Keep doing more!! Please!!

Fantastic!!! I wish I was skilled enough to do something like this.
Someone here should teach us how to do it and we all can add some :yes:

great job,please do more more more more more!!!

I agree, it’s like TW for us poor folks!

Neat. Covering all subjects in one video. Wish I were that talented too.

Hi all! I’m pretty sure it’s fairly simple to do! I think we should all get in on the action. Perhaps we could form a group and co-ordinate. Maybe if the original creator (who did a fantastic job!) doesn’t have time my husband (who teaches computer science) or I could make a tutorial.

If anyone is interested, let me know and then we can all have “poor man’s TW!!”

Yes, I have confirmed with my husband what I already thought - very easy (though, of course, time consuming and such!). But yes, technically not complicated!

I’m overflowing with ideas here - somebody respond so we can get started! :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah I am IN!!! I would love to learn new things.Let me know when we can start :slight_smile:

Awesome, Lelask!

I’ll try to find the time to make a quick tutorial over the weekend! There are 4 of us, so far. Hopefully we can recruit some more over the weekend! :slight_smile:

that’s great ! Seeing your due date we better start doing something lol

lol…true! Not much time left here!

Count me in also. I am competer challenged but would like to learn and contribute.
