Great Inventors POI

I have posted this category with all of the POIs recorded for each inventor here:;id=964

These are the Great Inventor Bits from Doman.

Thomas Edison

  1. Thomas Edison’s most famous invention is the incandescent light bulb, which he invented in 1879
  2. Edison invented the phonograph in 1877
  3. Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847
  4. When he was a child, Edison did many scientific experiments
  5. Edison created the world’s first electric power station in New York City in 1882
  6. Two of Edison’s inventions, the light bulb and the phonograph, greatly changed the way people live
  7. Edison also improved the typewriter, the telephone, motion pictures, and the electric generator
  8. Edison experimented with hundreds of substanced before he found that carbonized, or burned, cotton thread mad a good filament for his light bulbs
  9. Edison’s laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, is a national monument where visitors can view his many inventions
  10. To honor Edison, electric lights in the United States were dimmed for one minute a few days after he died in October 1931

Orville and Wilbur Wright

  1. The Wright brothers designed and built the first powered airplane
  2. They designed the small gasoline engine that powered their airplane
  3. Wilbur was born near New Castle, Indiana, in 1867; Orville was born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1871
  4. The Wright brothers made and sold mechanical toys when they were young and later became bicycle mechanics
  5. The Wright brothers fist experimented with small gliders that were too small to carry a person
  6. Their first powered, manned flight lasted twelve seconds and took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in December 1903
  7. By 1909, the Wright brothers had developed a one-person airplane that could stay in the air for more than one hour
  8. The Wright brothers began the first commercial production of airplanes in America, France, and Germany
  9. Their work quickly inspired many other inventors to develop larger, faster, and better airplanes
  10. Wilbur Wright died of typhoid in 1912; Orville sold the airplane business and retired in 1915 but lived until 1948.

Okay sorry I just got an emergency call from work. Have to go in at 3 am. Will finish and edit post tomorrow night.

Thank you so much heyblue41! Look forward to getting the rest, thank you so much for sharing! Karma to you!

James Watt

  1. James Watt built the first practical steam engine to do heavy work
  2. Watt’s steam engine had more force than earlier steam engines, because it kept the steam very hot
  3. Watt sold his steam engine to Matthew Boulton, who helped Watt to invent even better steam engines
  4. Watt, Boulton, and others used steam engines to run machines such as looms, trains, boats, and cars, and to produce electricity
  5. James Watt was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1736
  6. As a child, Watt showed great mathematical and mechanical ability
  7. When Watt was young, people were using weak steam engines to pump water
  8. Watt invented an improved system of gears for the steam engine, which doubled its speed
  9. James Watt was the first person to develop a steam heating system for houses
  10. Watt became wealthy from his inventions

Alexander Graham Bell

  1. Alexander Graham Bell’s most famous invention is the telephone
  2. Bell showed the telephone at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876, the year after he invented it
  3. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847
  4. Bell became interested in speech and sound through his father, who taught deaf people to speak
  5. Bell’s ecperiments with the telegraph and electricity led him to the invention of the telephone
  6. Thomas A. Watson, Bell’s assistant, was the first person to hear words transmitted by the telephone
  7. Bell used a large amount of the money he made from his invention to help deaf people
  8. The telephone is used all over the world today, and even in outer space
  9. Alexander Graham Bell also improved Edison’s phonograph, developed tools for medicine, and experimented with aviation
  10. Later in life Bell became annoyed with the telephone because phone calls interrupted his work.

Here are the POIs for the Great Inventors I have posted here:;id=1226

Samuel F. B. Morse

  1. Samuel F.B. Morse invented the electric telegraph
  2. Morse’s telegraph sent messages through a wire by using a code of electric signals
  3. Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1791
  4. As a child Morse was very interested in art, and he became a famous artist as an adult
  5. Morse first demonstrated the telegraph in 1837, but could only interest one or two people in it
  6. In 1844, Morse sent the first telegraph message, from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland
  7. Morse became wealthy after business people invested in the telegraph
  8. Morse’s telegraph transmitted sounds, not voice, and a code of long and short sounds was used to send messages
  9. Amateur radio operators memorized Morse Code, his system of “dots” and “dashes” for telegraph messages
  10. “SOS” is a signal that ships and planes use to call for help, which in Morse Code is
    … — …(dot,dot,dot,dash,dash,dash,dot,dot,dot)

Eli Whitney

  1. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin
  2. Whitney invented the coton gin because separating cotton from the seeds by hand took a long time
  3. Whitney was born in Westborough, Massachusetts, in 1765
  4. Whitney built his own vilolin when he was twelve years old, and at fourteen he began to manufacture nails
  5. Whitney’s first cotton gin could clean cotton as fast as fifty people doing it by hand
  6. Cotton thread and cloth are made from the fibers after they are removed from the seeds of the cotton plant
  7. Cotton became an improtant farm crop in the United States after the cotton gin was invented
  8. Other people began to build and sell copies of Whitney’s cotton gin without his permission
  9. Eli Whitney invented a way to mass produce guns by making rifles that were put together from identical parts
  10. Whitney did not marry until he was fifty-one, but he and his wife had four children in eight years

Benjamin Franklin

  1. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity
  2. Franklin’s many inventions included the lightning rod, which protects buildings form damage by lightning
  3. Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1706
  4. Franklin began to work in his brother’s printing shop when he was ten years old, after only two years of schooling
  5. At the age of seventeen, he ran away from home to Philadelphia, where he worked as a printer
  6. Franklin showed that lightning is electricity by flying a kite during a lightning storm, causing a spark to fly from a key tied to the kite
  7. Ben Franklin invented a type of eyeglasses called “bifocals”
  8. Besides working with electricity, Franklin made discoveries in meteorolby, geography, and agriculture
  9. Franklin began post offices, fire departments, a hospital, and a university, and he helped to write the Declaration of Independence
  10. His last public act was signing an appeal to the United States Congress in favor of ending slavery

Gugliemo Marconi

  1. Guglielmo Marconi invented wireless telegraphy, what we now call radio
  2. Wireless telegraphy sends sounds through space without using wires
  3. Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1874
  4. As a child, he enjoyed reading the many science books that his parents owned
  5. In 1895, Marconi sent the first wireless telegraph message ove a distance of more than one mile
  6. In 1901, Marconi sent a wireless telegraph message across the Atlantic Ocean
  7. At first Marconi could not interest his own government in radio, so he moved to England
  8. Marconi’s radio sent only telegraph signals, but by 1906 other inventors were using much stronger radio signals to transmit voice and music
  9. Marconi continued to improve wireless technology and used it to help the Italian government during World War I
  10. The Italian government gave Marconi the title of “marquis” in 1929

Here are the last two of the Great Inventors from Doman
George Washington Carver

  1. Carver developed over 300 food and non-food products using the peanut plant
  2. Carver found many new uses for food crops such as soybeans, pecan and sweet potatoes
  3. Carver was born around 1860 on a farm in Diamond Grove, Missouri, where his mother was a slave
  4. As a young man, Carver was known for using plants for home remedies
  5. Carver encouraged framers to plant different crops each year to improve the soil, a process known as crop rotation
  6. As an assitant botanist at Iowa State college, Carver became known for growing 20,000 types of fungi
  7. Due to Carver’s discoveries, farmers in the southern United States could make money by growing crops other than cotton
  8. Carver’s discoveries changed America’s eating habits, especially with the food now known as “peanut butter”
  9. Carver put all of his money into continuing his research with plants
  10. The George Washington Carver National Monument now stands on the farm where he was born

Johannes Gutenberg

  1. Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press that used movable type
  2. Gutenberg’s printing press made it possible for more people to own books
  3. Johannes Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1395
  4. Gutenberg learned how to work with metal from his uncles and other friends who were goldsmiths
  5. Each piece of Gutenberg’s movable type was made in a mold, so the type was uniform
  6. Gutenberg joined the small blocks of metal into words and put ink on them in order to print words onto paper
  7. One of the first things that Gutenberg printed with his press was the Bible
  8. Gutenberg’s printing preshs made it possible to spread information mor rapidly than when each book had to be written out by hand
  9. Gutenberg also helped develop a new method of manufacturing mirrors
  10. Gutenberg died around 1468

thanks for posting the POI
i just downloaded your Reptiles category
and i was wondering if you would post those POI as well?
that would be a great help
as i don’t use the computer much for her school

I will try to get them posted this week, I am quite behind on many other projects because i have been spending too much time on the forum and working with little reader !:blush: