Great book for Toddler Curriculum

Hi All,

I wanted to share a great book I found. It’s called INNOVATIONS: The Comprehensive Toddler Curriculum. It is designed to be a teacher’s handbook. The book is divided into Chapters on Main Developmental Subjects (Making Friends, Exploring Roles etc). Within each Developmental Subject starts off with assessment questions, insight into the subject, child observation pointers and other general guidance. Then progresses into suggestions on setting up a planned environment, interactions and experiences for this Developmental subject.

Then (MY FAVORITE PART) provides several different Play Plans (2 or more per Developmental Subject)! Each Play Plan contains Detailed Activity Suggestions with the following categories: Dramatic Play, Sensory Art, Curiosity, Construction, Literacy, Music, Movement, Outdoor, large project, Fingerplays/Rhymes, Music/Songs, Prop Boxes, Picture Files and MORE. Each Play Plan provides a large list of Supporting Books to help support the Play Plan.

This truly is a comprehensive book. It is just over 600 pages, but so well organized you’re able to get right to the area you need.

My son are working on Exploring Roles and doing the Space Play Plan. What fun we’re having!

This one?

or this one?

They look interesting!

Thanks for sharing, it seems quite ineteresting. I’m not sure which to get right now, I have a 5year old and a 3month old. Not sure if to get the infant one, or the teacher’s or trainer’s guide.

Hey could you give us a few tips from this book Don’t think it will be affordable what with me saving to buy the little reader 7 Maths for my kid …

I just looked through the book (infant) on Amazon and the content seems great. I would definitely get it, would rather buy it 2nd hand as I also am saving to buy the little math!

For those of you who are near a library, you might try there first. That’s where I found the copy I’m using.

KL - It’s neither of those links. Its the Innovations: The Comprehensive Toddler Curriculum - which doesn’t seem to be available on Amazon. I’m so sad to report that since I wasn’t paying attention, I ordered the Teachers Guide last week. I will get it tomorrow and can report back on the differences. I’m already disappointed because it’s only 128 pages, where the Curriculum book is over 600 :frowning:

Here’s the book:

I will work on typing up a playplan, they’re rather long, so it might take me a couple days to get the time.