Grasping - YAY!

Woo hoo, we are finally grasping properly! We were trying this regularly with BC after I read the Doman book and started grasping around 3 months. BC just didn’t get it and i never worked. So gradually it slipped off our radar… (not great I know!) But this week on my blog I set out a list of things we wanted to achieve each day and today I made sure that we achieved EVERY SINGLE ONE! One of our categories is physical development and for this we set the goal of ‘visiting’ the crawling track at least 4 times a day, lots of Doman vestibular activities and the grasping challenge. Well BC can finally grasp properly and hold his own body weight up in the air for over 10 seconds, just by grasping on my thumbs! We are so proud and excited! Now to aim for 30 seconds…

Just through i’d share! :smiley:


Haha I hadn’t even noticed it but it does look weird doesn’t it! Thanks for pointing out, at least others who read my post won’t think I’m crazy! We appreciate your kind words too.


That wasn’t there earlier when I read the post.

thanks, Nikki, that’s useful to know.

It definitely wasn’t there when I first read the post either.