grabbing electrical wiring...

; :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: my daughter angela… is kinda naughty i dont what would be the nice word to describe… what she is doing is …she grab the wire of my lampshade… i always explain to her that this things are harmful for her…dangerous… but she is really fun of doing this things…touching the outlets… i have 3 lampshade she had broken…i ask her… why she is doing it… she said… it makes her feel sleepy … when the lights are dim and low… :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: and when i m using it…

Hi Althea,

I’m very sorry to hear about your predicament with Angela, and I only have one recommendation to make. :slight_smile:

We as adults, caregivers and parents have to take some responsibility to make sure that our children play and grow upon a safe environment without the threat of being hurt. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help that kids sometimes don’t understand the danger of doing certain things, no matter how thoroughly it is explained to them. It is important to be aware of the developmental stages of children in order to prevent accidents. Children in certain age groups have numerous limitations and are therefore at risk of injury, mainly because they are still learning, and may not always do things correctly. :blush:

My advice is to keep be adamant about keeping your daughter away from such danger, by perhaps placing your lamp someplace else, securing the wiring for your lamp so it is not something your child can reach and or investing in socket protectors for exposed electrical sockets around the house.

I wouldn’t wait for a broken lampshade… Apply your God given authority, just explanations are not enough. :wink:
There are great posts on discipline on the same board (Pregnancy and Parenting), make use of them :slight_smile:

Here is an article on helping kids to be good

and some more from the same site

Give them discipline and training–a clear standard of right and wrong. Children are happiest and feel most secure and confident when they know what’s expected of them. Set clear boundaries and rules as to what your children are allowed to do, and set reasonable punishments for crossing the bounds or breaking the rules.

thank you very much… for all your advices i will put that in mind and apply it… :slight_smile: ilove this website… its very informative…GOD BLESS TO ALL!!!

I am not sure if this is the same or just by the same authors
you’re welcome