Good violin dvd


anyone can recommend a good violin dvd for young kids to watch?


I was just thinking about this yesterday! I’d even be interested in a dvd that highlighted various instruments for a longer time period than the little blurbs on Trebellina. I was playing a Vivaldi CD yesterday and my son was shouting out “bilin” (violin), “tefone” (xylophone), “atar” (guitar) as the various instruments were played. I think it was a harp not a guitar, but he was close!

Ok here is the thing, I am looking fir violin lessons on my town for my 24 months old, but all of them are form children 3 and up.So I decided I will buy her a violin and teach her my own…but I don’t play anything at all…no even the bell lol
My other option is to buy a dvd that can teach me how to play…
Any other suggestion please???


you check out this website:

or search for books and dvd on how to play violin.

what i did was, i enrolled in violin classes myself. learning violin myself now, i think it will be hard to learn from website, dvd or books, coz’ you need someone to correct when your bow is held wrongly, wrong posture and stuffs. i am not learning to teach her, i just want to expose her to the violin practice at home. she is 18 months old now, and i’ll be bringing her to see a violin teacher to assess whether she is ready for formal music lessons. also, i hope to be the home teacher, teacher assistant at home, to guide her when she does her practice. if you have not played violin before, it is not recommended to learn and teach her your own, coz’ if you teach her the wrong habit, it is very difficult to reverse.

by the way, i bought “zin zin zin violin”, dvd. she is a little more interested in violin after seeing other kids playing violins.