Hi Everyone, I am at the moment designing flash cards for my son. Does anyone have some good sites where i can find good photographs?
Thanks a lot.
Wikimedia commons is great. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
I normally do a google image search to find my pictures. You just have to look for higher resolution pictures that don’t have too many other distractions in them.
Thanks for your reply.
Hope I get some more replies to help me more.
Even I was looking for some high resolution pics, esp so i can upload some good quality files . i tried some pics which I googled but they are not high res so they are quite blurred. Anyother websites which may help?
Flickr is a good last resort, but I’ve found I can almost always find what I need via Google. You just need to know how to use Google…
If you’re using a Microsoft program, the built-in clip art finder often has good pix.