Good Morning Everyone!

Good Morning! My name is Michelle Quadri, I am 37, married 16 years with 5 fantastic kids! Ian, just turned 17 today, Isaiah is 13, Zach is 11, Sara is 8 and Little Zen is 22 months.

Since 2008 I have been homeschooling our children. My husband actually found this site and referred it to me yesterday. What a great site full of so many resources that are going to be so helpful to our little ones. Sara is in 2nd grade and Zen is already saying his numbers and ABC’s, he is drawing circles and is really ready to absorb so much more. They are just so much fun at this age. :smiley:

Well, off to get explore the site. Have a wonderful day!!

Peace and Light,


Hi and welcome to the forum!

quadri, welcome to this wonderful forum. You will find parents and grandparents like me from all over the world. It is wonderfull to share with people that have the same interests as you do May of them are homeschooling and with very good results.
I hope you enjoy this site.