Good cartoon For kids


Any idea for the good cartoon dvd for little kid.?

Friend! Try leapfrog

Thax Cchai!
I will try that.
Hope my kind will love it.

Cartoon are good for kids, specially thoughtful and entertaining cartoons are good to grow up our child. There are so many cartoon like Ed, Edd and Eddy, The road runner show, Digimon, and Pokemon are the best cartoon for kids.

Hi dessydell,
I totally agree with your opinion.
My kid really like Pokemon.
I’ll let her try ed,edd, eddy and others

That all depends on what you mean by good. ARe they good because the kids like them, or good because they benefit from watching them? If I were asking that question I would want to know which are good because they benefit my child? The only one mentioned here that would do that is Leap Frog. I don’t know what Ed and the other Eddy are. I feel very strongly against kids watching junk cartoons. It is a waste of time and brain cells in my opinion.

Kevin Trudeau (Mega Memory) suggests to his students to watch cartoons to get them thinking in an illogical fashion. Sometimes ludicrous things are easier for the mind to remember and thinking up cartoonish situations is also a good brain exercise.

Personally, I don’t agree that TV (educational or otherwise) is good for the little ones, so it’s like candy, I only allow a little bit. I suppose if the child can learn from the TV viewing, it’s a bonus, but too much is still harmful, even if it was all educational (so says Brain Rules for Baby).

One idea is to talk to your child about what you are seeing while viewing the cartoons, that will turn a passive experience into an active one.

Many children today still love the classic cartoons such as Micky and Bugs.

I never want my boy to feel like a complete outcast when among other kids, I wish for him to be able to relate to other kids. His interests might be in car engines, human body systems and classical art, but his friend’s might be spiderman, spungebob and star wars. Somewhere they’ll have to meet common ground or they might not feel interested in each other.

If you are teaching a foreign language, then maybe consider only allowing cartoon watching in the foreign language.

My boy’s favorite animated films are Cars, WallE, Ice Age, Iron Giant, The Gruffalo and Gruffalo’s Child.

My kid’s all-time favorite is The Magic School Bus. This was bar none their favorite Christmas present:

Kevin Trudeau (Mega Memory) suggests to his students to watch cartoons to get them thinking in an illogical fashion. Sometimes ludicrous things are easier for the mind to remember and thinking up cartoonish situations is also a good brain exercise.

Aside from the fact that Trudeau is serving serious time, his concept of cartoons have never left me. For this reason, I have found that old Looney Tunes are available on DVD - but I haven’t decided one way or the other on actually introducing them. They’re far superior to the junk I’ve seen on my TV when I happen to have it on and see a cartoon, but I’m not really sold that the benefits of these Warner Bros. classics would be worth the negatives. If I do allow cartoon watching in any significant way, I might just get these DVDs and only allow those.

Many things are still up for debate, IMO.

Oh, and FWIW, the idea FOR cartoons was for right brain sort of stuff - making creative animated stories out of words just like right brain training

I have completely different approach to cartoons. We watch movies together, and I am telling and explaining what is happening on the screen. This is a good way to increase vocabulary and EK. For this reason I need very simple movies with no language. The best movie series of this type is “Little mole”. Like this

With little kid, I comment like “mole is running… looking for mouse”. Later I comment more complex things, like “mole is upset because…”.

This is for little kids. With my oldest we used to watch movies about Disney princesses. As they are in foreign language I explain the events. Each time I explain something new about the circumstances, about the history and about the relationships.

In result, my kids do not watch cartoons without me :smiley:

That seems like a really good idea, we did a bit of that too.

My kids really like the magic school bus dvds. I also just pre ordered Liberty Kids for them on amazon. The complete set is $10 now. They watch dinosaur train sometimes. Those are the cartoons I let the kids watch. They have some educational dvds too.

Try Maisy.My kid really love to watch.

Thank you for the liberty kids tip! I have heard good things about this series, although I haven’t seen it yet. Sweet! I will soon enough. :slight_smile:

Pokemon are the cartoons that I watched till today… Since they are very entertaining and creative too. So kids should be inspired to watch them…

Thanks for the info. I just ordered one. the 6-DVD one is so expensive and I was wondering what the difference is.
BTW my DS also loves The Magic School Bus.

Pokemon , Ben 10 are the popular cartoons nowadays. They are quite entertaining as well… :slight_smile:

Frukc- thanks for the link to the “little mole” cartoons, I think these will be great for my 2 year old. I also think like you and only show her cartoons when I can sit with her and talk to her about it. I guess I have been doing that since she was 3 months old with YBCR, I always was there beside her making it interactive, I dont want TV to be her babysitter, I want her to move and take it in using as many senses. Thanks for this link.
PS I personally cant stand pokemon and will make sure my daughter stays away from those kind of cartoons.

I got an e-mail saying people who buy “Liberty Kids” also buy Carmen Sandiego. We found an episode on YouTube and it was very good, so I’ll throw this one out there too. It’s cheap!