Going Paperless

Have any of you thought about going paperless? going digital for record keeping and curriculum keeping? Have you tried the NEAT Scanner? Needing help! Our library of curriculum is getting over packed, and my homeschool records are overwhelming. We have served over 35 students and we are running over with paper work and portfolios. Need some advice on how to organize all of this? I thought about scanning everything and saving on a external hard drive and then giving away the books and other items instead of keeping all of these curriculum books. I could jsut print them out when needed? HELP! :unsure:

We take digital pictures of the children’s work . This has worked well for us. Pictures are so easy to store and upload. You can make digital portfolios.

Susan Khan :wink: PS… We love homeschooling…

I am not so sure what to do with all existing paperwork, but one idea for texts, curriculum, that sort of thing…my husband teaches chemistry at a university and thus has a lot of communications with reps of all kinds of educational materials…Many of them are available on DVD format, although not all ofthem publicize this info because it is not as big a money maker, and most students want textbook to flip through…but for instructors and tech savvy students, this is becoming the way of things…my hubby loves them because he can add the same pics. From the text to his slides :yes: Useful for EK as well, I am discovering…
Some companies advertise this, some don’t, some are available upon request…sometimes if you purchase a book, you can request the digital format up to a year later…

Anyway, I know this won’t help the clutter of paper, but might also be useful…

I have also been using those Spacebags storage bags that you vacuum PAC to keep toys and books that A has outgrown…takes up a bit less room and I find I can label bags to easily find them…they are smaller than having to dig through filing cabinets or big plastic tubs, as I was doing…

Thank you. I have used the space bags to but mine ripped. I also am taking photos of the items that I can’t scan. We have 26 children this semester so any ideas would be great.

going paperless is so much fun.I am cleaning out the library. I am scanning and scanning all kinds of children’s work. It is great to final organize all of this stuff instead of having 15-20 boxes laying around. of course i have created a back up system to just in case the digital content gets gone. but anyway i am going to upload a video to see what i am doing to go paperless. if you want to join me on this adventure let me know.

:slight_smile: I would love to follow your adventure…

Homeschooling 3

Susan Khan

@kerrileane - thanks for sharing that tip! if you have any ek slides you’ve put together, i’d love to check them out :slight_smile:

@mother of faith - those who share their organizational tactics are always so inspirational to me :slight_smile: looking forward to it. also, i am very curious about all the students you have. please pm me more details! i am in the process of starting a (home)school of sorts and would love some ideas. thanks!

I have just made a new video so I will get it downloaded on here for everyone. i can’t wait to start getting organized. for some reason i am having trouble uploading the video from youtube? but anyway here is the link http://youtu.be/Ffc2wX2m3q0

excellent … I’ll try to follow as well:-)

Wish I could help, but we use an online program (Time4Learning) It keeps EVERYTHING for us, records ect. Although the picture idea is a good one, for all my kids home made Art work :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing it!

we too use time4learning but i have found that in some children it sets them back with writing and thinking in math as far as writing but for some children it is perfect for them. we like using it when we can afford it.
well i have some good news we have now gone digital homeschool online. we have created prek-12th grade digital homeschool content and the record keeping forms and tons of things for our homeschool members. so far it is going great. we even have an online grading system with tests, exams, and so on. we are in our trail run now so maybe by august of this year we will have it up and running.