Going Green: Choosing Organic Baby Clothes

Hello. I would just like to ask if anyone has more information about the difference between organic and non-organic baby clothes.

I know that organic clothes are becoming so popular now, but I would just like to be better informed about why I should spend more (because they’re generally much more expensive than normal ones.) lol

Thanks in advance!

The cotton used is not genetically modified or grown with any harmful pesticides. Also, they should not have any harmful, unnatural dyes in them. The skin is the largest organ in the body, and what touches it can essentially enter your body.

I personally do not spend the extra money, but if my son had skin allergies or other adverse reactions to the dyes, than I would definitely buy them. Babies especially have sensitive skin, and organic clothes are definitely the most gentle.

Thanks for the advice. :slight_smile: I was just wondering if there were benefits enough to invest in the clothes and switch - our 11-month old daughter hasn’t been using organic cotton clothes, and she doesn’t have any allergies either. As a stay at home dad, I have been trying my best to do some research for the kids, and I was thinking if this wasn’t just some trend.

Yes, organic clothes are more expensive but you can also get cheaper baby clothes.

Wow! Talk about expensive. Things on sale on that site go for about US$60. I personaly agree with nhockaday, if you baby doesn’t have any special skin condition there is not need. My daughter has sensitive skin, so we use shampoo and lotion with no fragence and we use baby soap to watch her clothes and she has always been fine. These are the things her doctor recommended. If you have the extra cash and want to be green, or do it for conviction, go for it, but I think to certain point it is a waist of money taking in consideration they grow out their cloths so quickly. Again, this is just my personal opinion.

Okay, take it from a mom that is 90% organic, ‘under the nile’ brand is real value for money. Especially if you buy it on ebay. Hope that helps. If you live in the US, our fabrics are covered with flame retardant, so besides the usual chemicals on the skin we have an even harsher one to deal with in our pajamas at night. So the first invesment should be organic pajamas. If you are in the US, Costco actually sells them at a ridiculous price of $12!! Hope that helps.

Organic cotton baby clothes are widely available in every store and great alternative option for other fabric clothes. Organic clothes are chemicals free which is very good for you baby skin. You can get it any local store in your are and also available on the web.

I have some organic clothes that are amazingly soft. I do love them! They were hand me downs. I have no idea what the price is but I hardly think they re worth it.
And to buy organic clothes then to wash them in something like dreft seems a little counterproductive.
You could make a bigger impact on your childs health by using natural detergents, painting with no VOC paints using formaldehyde free mattress and pillow, natural baby products, organic foods and cloth diapers. And most importantly limiting your child’s exposure to car fumes. Now if you do all of the aforementioned and want to go the extra mile, go for it.

We can’t protect our kids from everything. So do what you can ans don’t sweat what you can’t.

Both - buying organic clothes helps the environment because conventional methods of processing clothing, such as cotton clothing require many harsh chemicals to be used in the production of cotton. 9 of those chemicals/pesticides are highly toxic and 5 are thought to be carcinogens. The World Health Organization estimates that pesticide poisoning kills 20,000 - 40,000 people per year.

Organic Cotton is produced by maintaining a balance between natural “pests” and their predators. They don’t kill the good insects such as ladybugs, spiders, and parasite wasps. Organic Cotton producers use biological practices to control pests. This is much healthier on the soil and the environment.

Buying organic clothing and sheets is also beneficial to your health, because you are not subjecting your skin to chemicals that have been used in cotton production of conventional cotton when you choose organic. In addition, the clothing feels softer, silkier, and is less irritating on your skin. Many parents opt to choose organic cotton baby clothes for their babies to help with skin alergies and Eczema.