Going Eco Green

Here is the list of Eco Friendly changes I have made in the last year:
Laundry Soap
Dishwashing machine soap
Dish soap
Hand soap
Body soap
Green cleaning supplies - still have a few old ones left but replacing them as I use them
Cloth Diapers
Dripp Catchers/Family Cloth
Moon Cloth
Cloth rags (instead of a chlorox wipe)
Increased recycling
Xeriscaped front yard (A garden instead of lawn)
Garden that produced potatoes, carrots, and beets for the year, plus a few meals of peas, bean, tomatoes, zuchini, and corn.
Increased purchases of organic food items
Reduced consumerism - increased going without/just not buying the product OR purchasing used.

2 items I tried that failed, but I am hoping to retry in the New Year:
Yankies instead of Tissues - I just didn’t like the Yankies I made and I ended up turning them into rags instead, but I have recently purchased some organic cotton ones so hopefully take 2 of this green idea will be better.

Unshampoo - it was going really well not shampooing my hair while I was pregnant. In fact, my hair had never looked better, but this postpartum greasy hair seems to like shampoo. I am going to try to get back to the unshampoo in the New Year.

So, what else do I do now? What should be the next Eco friendly change(s) I make? I would really love to make a BIG eco change and sell my current large footprint house and build an Eco Friendly smaller house, until that goes forward, I am wondering what other small changes I can make to make a difference? What are you doing? Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Wow! Very interesting changes. I’ve been doing the same for the last 2 years. I literaly failed the shampoo :wub: I tried sodium bicarbonate and cider vinegar :slight_smile: it was horrible! I am now testing organic shampoos from the EWG list and will see how it goes isA.

You may also add make up and skin care ( I keep these to the minimum). I’ve recently got organic bedding too. I’m still behind in gardening, etc though our house has a couple of green certifications in terms of energy and construction material. I need to think about composting too…

Organic make up and skin care ( you can even make your own and create some simple amazing things) is great! And it actually turns out to be much cheaper and your skin will be so much better.

Create and use your own perfume ( simple and healthy), we switched to only natural perfumes and aftershave when I was pregnancy with #1, and never went back!

Mineral deodorant ( we use Thai stone)

I use some natural organic shampoos, however egg yokes with essential oils and apple cider vinegar for rinse worked really well for me. Thinking of trying soap nuts also, but have not get around to it yet.

These are some ideas…

You’re my hero! :biggrin:

Skylark, Organic make-up, yes, I like that idea. I have been searching around for a tinted moisturizer but have had no luck finding a reasonable replacement. The tinted moisturizer with an SPF is about the only makeup I wear. Maybe a few times a month I have time to put on a little blush or eyeshadow, so I could also consider going organic with those. Any suggestions of companies, or websites for the DIY? Thanks.

I had actually been doing the deodorant stone years before I got interested in being Eco friendly. Never realized I was alternative back them, but I get more alternative by the day.

I just bought my sister some Bamboo Sheets for her new bed, but I have all the sheets I need and then some. I would love to try some bamboo sheets myself, but this one would fall under the category of not purchasing what I don’t need.

I am loving the suggestions, keep them coming… any and all ideas on green eco friendly, self sufficient are welcome. Sometimes it takes another person to help me realize where I can make a change :slight_smile:

My 2 cents: you may try Jane Iredale liquid foundation, it’s also a moisturizer and has SPF. It has a good EWG rating too.

I used to sell acertified organic range of products I don’t anymore but their products are really really good www.miessence.com.au have a look.

You can also make sure you switch all electrical goods that are not necessary off at the power point.

Look into getting solar hot water or solar panels put on your roof if you can. While you stay put.

Sell all your stuff you no longer need and use it to buy earth friendly things

I have switched all my cleaning to enjo and it is great.

Thanks for the Jane Iredale suggestion. I had never heard of the product before but I checked the EWG and it does get a reasonable rating, much better than my current product. They have a Canadian Distributor so I am going to try it.

I decided my next small Green step would be to change to a smaller kitchen garbage can. I had a big one but it was really only half full at the end of the week. So, I searched my house and found a small garbage can that I wasn’t using. My hopes are that a smaller garbage can will stop the rest of my family from throwing away items that could be composted, recycled, or reused. This is week one and so far so good.

Also currently doing research on Solar Panels. Maybe I could get a small system for the current house that could be moved (and expanded) for a future house.

Also currently doing research on EcoLawn. My back yard is currently just dirt/mud and I need to seed lawn…I tried a garden back there but the 12 mature trees flanking my yard just make it impossible.

Still feel like I am just not doing enough for this world :frowning:

An update… I also put this out to my close family and friends and they have challenged me to 2 things:

First, can I Eat Less Meat. Not become a vegan, but commit to reducing my meat consumption, especially my red meat consumption. This is a quick read on why: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/SciTech/20111013/eat-less-meat-food-supply-111013/

Second, can I convince others to take up the challenge. Are you willing to take up the green challenge? And if so, how? See www.earthday.ca for ideas.

Keep the ideas flowing, a lot of people doing a little bit can make a difference.

That a substainable amount you’ve changed there! Well done!

Im aiming to start using The Moon Cup as my perios have gone very heavy after having my first kid.

What are others opinions on this product?

Moon Cup or Diva Cup - I do not personally use one. I use Luna Pads http://lunapads.com/ and wash them with the cloth diapers. Out and about I use an organic cotton tampon.

However, I have a few friends and family that are using the diva cup and they give my mixed reviews. My one friend Loves and Raves about it and has been using it for a few years. She finds it easy, painless, and not a hassle. My sister-in-law tried it, and hated it, she found it uncomfortable and difficult to place, it worked but it bothered her. So, she gave it to my other sister-in-law, who has been using it for a few months and she is very happy with it.

I have another friend who has been using sea sponges for years, she loves them and won’t use anything else.

Good luck in your quest to go eco-friendly. I am happy to read that a few of you are doing things in your life and slowly making changes just like me.

A quick update on me. I am almost back to unshampooing and it is going well, I am transitioning slowly and my hair looks fantastic. I recently changed up my birth control (2 kids is enough right now) to a ladycomp www.ladycomp.com. I have been doing research in solar panels and starting to set aside the $$ but it is expensive and looks like it will take me about a year to save up to do that. A new house is on the backburner for now because I can’t find land upon which to build. I have new organic makeup. However, all in all my green challenge to myself is being set aside while I do some local fundraising to increase breastfeeding awareness in my local community - it basically consuming all my awake hours right now.

Thanks for the advice I think the best thing is just to give it a go. I think by the sounds of it, after doing for internet research is that you never know it if will work for you until you try!

Update on my green eco life - I have started bio washing up liquid and not using the dishwasher so much, also buying all Suma products to replace my usual haircare products. I would highly recoomed this brand is you can find it.My hair feels wonderful and even mroe so I knwo that I am being eco friendly! And groupon provide eco friendly cleaning services for your house and car!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

We have made many changes over the last few years, and this thread has given me ideas for more!
One extremely simple thing, easy to do, that I c
Haven’t seen mentioned is to gradually replace all those old incandescent Lightbulbs! The new Energy Star bulbs use up to 75 percent less electricity, and generate up to 80 percent less heat-which means less energy ( at least in a place like Texas!) to cool.
I am sure this is one of the first things many of you did, but for those following this thread looking for even minor ways to reduce your carbon footprint, here is a link:

I have also found this article in the guardian on the best green websites around so you can get information on everything from cars, household products to changing your diet, even getting second hand items too! Another site I have found recently and really recommend is GreenLife is a great starter for those you want to Green Living Now. Look some Going Green Tips at our blog and become Eco Friendly, Saving Our World from Environment Issues. Then theres Groupon, who help connect you with green cleaning services for your house and green childrens toys, I found a few great eco friendly toys on offers on there. FlowerGallery is another good gardening website and how to use greener gardening products, its suprising hwo many bad chemicals are contained in the average product!


:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: