Glenn Doman vs LM

I am new to the sight and this is my first post. I am looking to see if anyone has used Glenn Doman’s, Teaching your baby Math KIT vs and or LM?
I am looking to purchase a math kit for my 2 and 4 year old.
I’ve read Doman’s books and use my make shift, Teach your Baby to read KIT, so I believe in his work. But I would like to hear from others and their experiences with any math kit.
Thanks Ana

I got the Doman Math Kit when my son was about 18 months old and he hated it. He would cry whenever i showed him the dots or he would look away. I thought it was weird because he loves my reading flashcards. I persisted for about 2 weeks and just found it too frustrating for him and me. So I started making my own dot cards on Power point but instead of dots I used Thomas the Train icons. He really liked this. Finally I got a PC and LM and found that that was just heaven for us. It was so much faster than trying to organize my cards or create my own power point presentations. My son still prefers reading to math but I am working through the Doman schedule on Little Math. We just finished 1-100 and are finishing up our 1st week of division. My son is 21 months old now.

I find LM is great. Especially because I can change the icons to keep my son interested. Also because it can go much faster than I can manually, which also keeps his interest. I remember reading somewhere that children can process 6 images per second or something high like that. But obviously we can’t flash things that fast to them.

Results… I never taught my son to count but he can count 1-20. Sometimes I hear him talking to himself and saying things like 6+3=9. I don’t know how much meaning he has or if he’s just repeating what he hears on LM, but he seems very in tune to any sort of numbers or counting that he might hear in his environment.

Anyhow, bottom line is that you’ll have to see what works best for you and your children. I’m still holding on to my Doman Kit because I think if I have another child I will start from 3 months and at that age the dots should be very stimiluating. I just think my son was older and exposed to so many different kinds of input that he didn’t find the dot cards stimulating or fast enough.

You can use other objects that your kids like because both my daughter did not like the dots. They got bored after the first one.
Is the reading working for you or you have not used it. Let me know! :nowink: :yes:

I just got LM last night and immediately downloaded Thomas characters which my two-year-old will like so much more than the dots probably. :slight_smile:

Okay I want to reply to all respondents but am not sure if this is the case. Still getting use to this forum stuff.
Thank you for the low down on LM I will budget for the LM considering it is a $100. Some one asked if the the reading is working for my children and yes,more so with my 4 yr old daughter my 2yr old son but he is catching on. I just made my own cards and ended up picking some up at the dollar store. I mostly do it while they are in the bath tub, or at “chase me time”, I flash a word like jump and we jump and chase, it works.
Thank you and please keep me up to date on your progress with LM.

I have both the GD Math Kit and LM.

In my opinion, dot cards should be started with babies and LM is more attractive with toddlers because after some time they are bored with dot cards.

When I do not have the time to prepare and flash those dots cards, LM is definitely my choice of use and importantly, with LM, I do not have to compromise my program routine.

LM is definitely a plus point when comes to flashing equations and toddlers will like different icons.

However, I would like to suggest that LM to include more math operators like (), <>, etc.


Thank you iyph, that’s very good to know.

I, too, have both Doman Math Kit and Little Math.

I started (briefly) with the Math Kit Cards and my toddler was interested the first week and very disinterested after then. I had to drop the number of cards to 2 each session, just to ensure he stayed looking at them. In addition, it required a lot of prep time each night deciding the equations, organizing the quantity cards and then the equation cards for the next day. It was still a bit of time during the day shuffling the cards and managing all the equation sets. I started to feel a bit discouraged at all the work and lack of interest by my son and began looking online for more creative ways to get my son interested again and to make it all a bit easier… That’s when I found Little Math!!!

AND I LOVE IT! It requires only a bit of time each night to update the numbers for the next day. Plus I can change the icons to something that’s interesting to my son. I still have my cards and plan to use them during the Problem Solving phase. I also break them out sometimes for “games” (let’s jump over 23 or show teddy 48… things like that)

Anyway, I highly recommend it!

hi, I do not have the Doman dot cards set, but I made half of them. My kids (2) and (1) did not pay much attention to them and I finally did give up once I was near number 20 with some equations. I would like to get LM but I am trying to save some points to get a discount. However It is good to know I did not loose anything special without the premade Doman Math kit, I once thought my kids did not like my dots cards because maybe I was missing something :slight_smile: I like LM, I used the beta testing edition, and my kids did like it.

I have the dot cards and LM. My boy doesn’t like math much either way, but he likes LM more than he does the dots. We do just a little at a time. Even so, we are learning numbers in the 70s and are on division. He is 18 months old, and doesn’t like to show what he knows, so, I have no idea what he has learned, but take it by faith that his is learning. The icons in LM are definately a plus!!!

By the way, Ana3, do you know you can earn points in the forum to get a discount for LM? It looks like they have a 2500 points for 25% off in the forum store. :slight_smile:

i’m hoping my son will have better “success” with LM vs. GD dot cards…I was very excited to use the GD program, I viewed the DVD, read the book that came with the kit, but my son had other ideas, ha ha…I’m still encouraged to present the GD program to my younger child who is 11 mo, always keeping in mind that everyone learns differently and we as parents have to keep the learning experience fun.

Reply to Karma,

Thanks for the info on the 25 % off. I am still SO new at this blogging and really don’t do it that much. Would it take me a long time to get 2500 pts?
I am still trying to figure things out.

Thanks Ana3 :unsure:

It doesn’t talke long at all to save up enough points. You can give people karma (clicking the +) on people’s names. That’s a good way for you to also get some points. I just gave you some. :wink:

Also you can start making some powerpoint presentations. You get points for those.

I’m not sure if you get points for posting or not.

That should get you started. :slight_smile:

I read Doman’s math book and I am planning to buy LM ASAP. I have a 16 month old daughter and I think LM will keep her more interested to learn.
Good Luck


I have just started reading Doman and I must say I am so excited to start this reading program with my 5 month old daughter. I just have a few questions though…do you all do the reading program and math program simultaneously? What does LM stand for? Also I am wondering of other activities or programs mothers are doing with their children.

rizzydizzy, LM Stands for Little Math, the math program that Brillkids sells.

I have an almost 17 month old daughter. I started using Glen Doman’s flashcard method with my own handmade flashcards just before her first birthday. I started the math when she was 15 months. She gets bored of both so I tend to do reading at one sitting and math at the next. In a day I would do about 4-5 reading sessions and 4-5 math sessions, alternating between the 2. It isn’t an exact science for us!

I try to remember Glen Doman’s advice of keeping it short and always stopping before she wants to stop. So, somedays that means I only flash 1 or 2 words at one sitting, but the next day I might flash 7 or 8. It all depends on the day.

I also purchased the YBCR (Your Baby Can Read) from the website. It has DVD’s, book, sliding cards, and flashcards. I use it in conjunction with all my homemade cards. Right now dd is really into the sliding cards. I like the program because it keeps me motivated to continue teaching her.

Now that I discovered this website I have also been downloading the powerpoint slideshows and showing them to her. Her attention seems to be held by the slideshows that closely match Glen Doman’s flashcards.

My dd is crazy about books, and she insists I read to her all day every day, so we also spend a lot of time reading/looking at childrens books.

It does seem like a lot in a day, but the flash cards (words or dots) happen very very quickly, so it really doesn’t take that much.

I have Glen Doman’s saying attached on a sticky to my bedroom door:

“…this is one game you will win to some degree no matter how badly you play it…”

I love that quote. It reminds me that even if I am not exactly following the book or programs every little bit of stimulation I provide is helping :slight_smile:

Good Luck.