Glenn Doman Products


Does anyone know if you are able to purchase Glenn Doman Flashcards for reading and maths etc?

Are there any other types of products which you think are useful?

Many thanks

Yes, here is their site

We have been using the math cards for the past two week, and I like them! :slight_smile:

I have used everything - I love their materials - my favorites the cd-rooms for bits as we can use the same bits in 5 languages with confidence that there are not mistakes plus they have very good pronounciation, - all their flash paper cards are fantastic specially for young babies that should have limited access to computer or tv - plus you can offer a lesson anywhere - anytime !! this adds excitement to the lessons.

For older kids they have the materials that they teach a the Thoman Evans Institute -also known as the international school- but these materials are not in the website - if you are interested you could call and ask them to mail you a catalog with the list of materials. -advanced note very old fashion but relevant, complete and 100% accurate-

Hope this helps.


Hi Gloria, are the Bits cd rom you are referring to, the same as the Picture Dictionary vols. 1-10? Just want to clarify because i’m interested in getting one for my daughter. :slight_smile:

We have been using their math dots for about a month, they are nice and they have equations in th back that will ottal the number you are showing, so that will be helpful when puting equations together. We combine them with LM. I think they are going to come very handy when doing problem solving.

We also ordered some of the BITS of intelligence, but have not used them yet.

I checked the CD-Rooms that Gloria is talking about in the website and as far as I could tell they were flash cards. Gloria could you please correct me if I’m wrong? I would also like to know if they are BITS of intelligence because if that is the case I may think about getting them.

They are flash cards, Joha.


If you want other place to get math cards for your child that is like the Glenn Doman program, you can go to the Tweedlewink website and purchase their cards. Their cards comein sets just like Glenn Doman yet you are give the option to download the cards to your computer. Their cards cost 14.95.,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage5/product_id,100/category_id,27/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/

Good luck and wishing you all the best.

Hi Gloria D,
DOes the Thomas Evans Institute have a website. I just bing searched it and I found somthing called the california institute of art. I am about to google search it to se if I found this school? If you tell me if this school has a website, I would be most appreciative.


hi there.

i have 4 sets of programs of intellegence cards (general knowledge)
quality is excellent.

the cd roms are wonderful. its bits of intelligence. meaning picture and word. they have these words in 5 languages which i love. planning to slowly get the whole set.

definitely worth it but if you dont have LR and LM then i would invest in these first.

fatima786, you said “if you dont have LR and LM then i would invest in these first.”.

Are you saying having LR and LM is a better investment than the Glenn Doman Deluxe Program Reading writing and Encyclopedic knowledge?

What are other peoples’ take on this? I have a 4.5, 3.3 and 4 months old baby and about to start with one of these programs but not sure which would be better as a 1st investment and can be used for all our kids (BK or GD)

Hello MikeLeerek

So Sorry for the late response I had no idea you placed this question to me - I have problems getting emails from threads I post on- in the future if I do not respond quickly feel free to send me a personal email - I will post the reply here at the forum.

I have no Idea if The Thomas Evans Institute have a website, I doubt it as the only purpose of that school is to show proof of the capacities kids can develop and it is presented only to the parents that attend the courses. I have visited the TE Institute a couple of times with my husband to see how the classes develop and it was pretty amazing, I wish we could live in PA - Leena could attend this school and it is FREE!! many nobel prize winners have thougth there and the pictures are there to remind us of that.

Hope this helps
