glenn doman, i nearly give up

i would like to share this, it happened this morning.

i been teaching my 22mths GD for about 30cards, he didnt really pay much attention, he even look away when i flash that 5cards, so it really make me wonder if he is learning or not. i been flashing Shichida pictures for a few months too, he prefer to look at pictures of cos, so when i introduce GD, he didnt bother much. well then, i didnt want to feel stress over it, since its suppose to be fun, and im not enjoying flashing the card when nobody is looking. so i decided to stop for sometimes… just take it easy.

this morning, looking at those cards laying on the table, i decided to test my boy, i put 2cards and i asked him which is nose? for about 10questions… he got it 100% correct!!! my son is not talking much so he pointed to me the answer… i was shocked!! at first i though it maybe just coincident, so i keep testing… and i even pointed at the “ear” card and ask him “is this mouth?” he shaked his head and point to me the correct answer!!!

im goin to start it again!!! eventhough he is not looking i know he is learning!!
so mommies i hope its also happening to your baby, you never know if they are learning!!! HOORAY~~~ :biggrin:

You must be very happy I guess all the sacrifice and hard work pays off. It takes special dedication and perseverance!

Your achievement is an example to us all.

yes thank you…

thats why im sharing it on the forum… keep trying, i know how it feels when ur flashing cards but nobody is looking, kind of silly!!!


If possible can you read my ordeals on the forum? Would appreciate some insight.


That is too good. good job! My baby doesn’t look much either. I try to make funny noises so she looks at me and then the card, which is right up at my face. that usually works but then I wonder whether she is really learning. when I ask her to point to my face, nose, etc…she doesn’t even though we have done those cards. its not frustrating…but its not exactly encouraging either. I am soo glad you shared your story!!! keep up the good work!!! :clown: :biggrin:

Hi Chanze318,

i read that you have a 7months grandson, and you want to teach him reading right??
well this is what i will do if i have another baby at 7months :slight_smile:

first ask yourself, what is the priority? and how much time you have to do all that??

if your first priority is you want him to be able to read at very young age, then you go with GD first. if you want to stimulate the right brain, then you go with shichida method flashing lotsa pic cards. of cos the 2nd question i ask how much time you have, if you have lotsa time, you can do both. besides that, math dot cards is a must and you also can add in your baby can read dvd.

i started late bcos i didnt have much knowledge about all these. i gave my bb baby can read dvd at ard 8 or 10months. then flashing card at ard 18months. its more challenging to flash cards to toddler at the stage where he can run freely, especially dots card cos its kinda boring. so i suggest you do it earlier.

i am also flashing dots card to my boy, but i am using the shichida 65days programme, its more interesing than the normal red dot, i havent see any result and i am not goin to test him after the 2nd round flashing (3 cycles for this programme). as for your boy, he is still young i guess the GD dot cards are suitable as in able to attract his attension.

i did read up book of prof shichida and GD, he said accept the kid as what they are, do not compare and always always show how much you love them. i hope mommies here using shichida method do not feel stress up if you are unable to achive what you have plan for or thinks that you have failed or even stress up your kid. bcos being able to read at the young age is really not such a big deal if they cant feel your love. the theory is the same for GD, if you and the kid are not having fun, pls stop it. this is what GD said. so what is more important here is showing love and having fun with all the flashing activities. being able to read is the secondary.

i hope it helps :smiley:

hi ngngpopo,

i would like to learn more about the shichida flashing lots of pics cards method? Do you repeat the cards, like in GD. Do you add new cards? pplease if you could explain, it would be great help. i searched the forum for more info on shichida but maybe i missed the exact details of this.


hi ariel,

SM recommend u flash 200cards, if u can… i have seen ppl said no need repeat the cards,but i find its quite impossible as u flash 200 cards and no repetation means u need a lot of cards!!! my teacher suggest to me, day 1 u flash 200cards, take away 100cards and add in a diff set of 100cards for day 2, day 3 take away the oldest 100cards and add in newer one… like a cycle. i have lotsa cards i bought the whole complete set of shichida cards of 1800pic and 1800words plus other flash cards i bough n i made myself too…

another things is, flashing lotsa cards for SM is not for baby to remember but to stimulate the right brain, so it doesnt matter what kind of cards ur flashing… of cos we flash cards that we think its useful to the baby… lol so i guess if ur baby is not getting bored u can just repeat any cards u have!!!

hope it helps

hmm… thanks for the response. that is interesting. so in what time duration do you flash 200 cards? in one sitting and in one day? man… 200 cards sure seems a lot.

hi ariel,

sorry for the late reply… wasnt able to really sit down and update myself on this forum.
yes 200 in a session, i usually have a few topic, eg animal for 12 cards, food for 15cards… for 7 or 8 topics, u will get 200cards… but u may want to start with lesser cards… its ok

I am glad I am not alone. My baby like to close the " your baby can read" book as I am reading it. He likes to play with the cards (mainly eats them and waves them around)…but doesn’t like to sit still and “learn” the cards as I read and flash them. He also closes the piano repeatedly as I am trying to play music. He is 11months…and he prefers to crawl around and get into the dog food. I play “your baby can read” dvd as he is playing, and it captures his attention for about 1 minute and then he quits loooking at the screen and starts playing with his toys. So I don’t know how much he is imbibing.
My little sis read at two years old and this was 20 years ago with homemade rudimentary flashcards. By six, my sis was reading Reader’s Digest. So I am hoping to emulate my mom’s sucess. I,however, did not read until much much later.I always felt like the “dumber” sister. But I was just a late bloomer. I had lots of fun play time when I was young…and studied very hard the older I got. I got full scholarships to college and I graduated top of my class with a doctorate at 24 years old (youngest in my class) and signed on a 6 figure salary upon graduation. My sis, on the other hand, got kinda burnt out with school…and now loves to party. She is still a good student and is doing well…but not neurosurgeon spectacular. Bottom line…all children will eventually reach their potential! I eventually did…so don’t stress out…

i really enjoyed reading your post . i was a doman mum for years teaching my hurt child , but years later when i had my second child i had everything ready to teach her words bits ,… crawling track ,lots of material for physical, sensory ,and intellctual stimulation, i did start full program , but than sitting back and watching this little baby growing , moving around exploring interacting with her environment , i started having question marks on how good is that intense early stimulation , and glenn doman books go to the extend of quantifying their program , so many meters of crawling before creeping before walking ,… hanging using their grasp reflex , and some of the early infant method of evaluating a baby i find harsh , blowing a horn , pricking with a needle ,…

i did a program , of being around with my daughter , being sensitive to her needs , her early communication , all my kids spoke early and signed before they spoke ,giving them lots of lots of learning opportunities , so no flashing cards so many times a day didn’t work for us .
my first daughter read at 2 , my second didn’t , but she spoke at 1 , she learned three languages , very articulated , excellent physical skills , and just started reading .
both my daughter and her brother now give me this special look when they are busy doing something and i come to them with set of words , they never looked at the words , but at me moving my mouth speaking , they looked in admiration probably that is why they spoke early , if i read a book , they are easer looking at the pictures or at my face .
the pressure of wanting her to read at 2 like her sister at 2 steal the fun of learning .
you are with me that doman is a lot of work and time consuming , we had to do it because we were on the institutes intensive program and we didn’t know any better way to help our hurt daughter , she was brain injured and doctors prognosis was severely disabled , mentally retarded , so when the institutes gave us the tools that taught her to read so she could communicate with us and the outside world , no longer she was lucked in a jail the size of her body , of course we did it religiously , but reading was all she could do and enjoy .
it is not the case with our well kids , reading will come naturally , i am not sure we are doing in right in pushing it that early . even if we don’t put pressure on our babies , and we do it with fun , but honestly i could sense stress in many mummies posts , don’t yoy think your babies are not feeling your stress .
some mummies are disapointed that their babies are 2 and not reading yet after all the flashing and material preparation .
some spent fortune on material , flashed from birth , think about all the night spent preparing material .
i often find out i present my daughter with certain skill , or information i like her to learn , we have to work on it for a while for her to master it if presented early , but this same skill is gained naturally without any effort when she is ready .

i could spend lots of time teaching colors printing color books , making matching games about colors ,… but colors are in our daily life , they don’t need to be taught in a lesson , kids just learn them ,
my idea is we don’t have to burn ourselves down trying to teach our kids something he would learn spontaneously .
when i read that some mums are homeschooling their : 2 and 1 year old . come on 2 and 1 year old do not need school ( my opinion ) , that is why i like montessori they learn by doing hands on practical life activities about science math ,… and everything around them .
how important it is for them to know 40 flags , or 40 countries , or 20 dinosaurs ??how much this information is related to them . how heathy it is to interfere and try to create extra connections in the brain , or speed up the development process( according to doman ), development is not only about knowledge , but their physical emotional and social development .

like i read in previous post about this 5 years old who was gifted but had lots of emotional and social issues , his mum did doman …
i don’t consider such a child gifted . i honestly don’t like labelling kids at such an early age , what do we consider gifted ?? ability to read at an early age wow , but unable to solve every day life situations???
my daughter only now started to read and she is 3.5 years old ?? is she late ?? according to doman standard maybe , but according to other kids who only start reading at 5 and 6 , she is well ahead , and i really didn’t teach her , she picked it up by herself from lots of reading together . she plays with a friend who is the same age like her , her mum homeschooled her and used teach your child to read in 60 easy lessons , 20 minutes every day , when she turned 2 , and by three she could read , and now she is reading peter and jane books , every day few pages for half an hour .
watching the two girls playing , tina plays and enjoys her time and is so creative, very active ,… the other girl is so placid , cannot run ( and talking about the physical program helping kids to read ) , cannot easily interact , and at school everybody was blown up by her ability to read and is labelled gifted , and made her skip class .
i feel this girl would be burned out like your sister at some point . yes it was easy for her mum to teach her to read because the girl was not very active and was able to sit and learn . if she was my child instead of working on reading i would take her out and encourage her to run and play and be more active .
a montessori teacher told me once when i was a bit concerned about my daughter not being able to fit at school and her need to move all the time . she told me i shouldn’t worry at all about tina that it is much easier to direct a super active child and find few moments of teaching opportunities .
and the proof is you learning late ( only according to doman ), and the success you had later , so really early learning is not always a guarantee for later academic success .

so mums just relax and enjoy your babies and when you can brill baby is a wonderful stress free tool to teach your babies and stimulate them , but it is nothing like real life experience and their interaction with their environment .
your babies will enjoy learning and finding out about things related to them which will make learning more fun , they have life time to learn about presidents and maps and flags and rivers ,…
the proof is tima now at three and a half wants the map of the world in her bedroom and have wonderful map skills , no doman no flash cards, only pointing to things on the map while bouncing on the bed .

ok enough now , sorry for the typo mistakes , these are my thoughts i felt like putting them on paper and share them with other mums , i don’t mean to offend anybody who thinks differently .

Bella, I completely agree with you. I just don’t see the point in my baby reading by 2 years old if it involves a ton of stress and pressure on the both of us (I don’t care what anyone says, it is a lot of work and a lot of pressure). When I was doing flash cards, I stressed that my little on wasn’t absorbing the info and although I was hiding it good and always happy, I’m KNOW she sensed it. I just know it. Now that I’ve let it all go we both love looking at books and words a lot more now. By reading to her constantly and pointing at the words and talking about the pictures I think she will automatically read by 3 or 3 1/2 years old but without all the stress of the whole Doman thing.

I do love the Brill Kids program and I’m going to use it for stimulation but I’m not on a deadline of any kind.

My baby is also learning a second language right now from a babysitter and a language playgroup so I know that by exposing her to lots of books, a different language, and constantly playing with and pointing out different colors, numbers, shapes, etc. she will be years ahead of the average child but we both will be stress free and enjoy every second of it.

I am worried about the brain connections and the use-it-or-lose-it factor that’s why she is learning a second language, playing the drums, being exposed to a ton of words, and doing a lot of what she loves most which is puzzle/block building.

By the way, I don’t think she cared about seeing the different countries in flash cards. At such a young age, she had no preconceived notion of what China was so to her it was just a pic of a red square (flag). That is some very dry material. And to a 16 month old, it’s completely useless information and not nearly the fun, exploratory, and multi-sensory learning experience as playing the drums or balancing building blocks (in a mud pit). Now, I know a lot of you are saying “but my baby does all that too but ALSO sees the flash cards”. I know that. But I’m just wondering why any of us should bother with the country flash cards when seeing a picture of China’s flag couldn’t leave nearly as big an impression on a child at 16 months old compared to figuring out how to balance blocks in mud at the same age (I’m talking about a healthy child who is taking in everything around them, not a brain damaged child who needs to build the eye-brain connections).