Glenn Doman -How to teach your Baby to read


anyone read the books and use the flashcard method on your baby. I read this book, but quite confuse …hope someone who has read the book can enlighten me. The book says on 1st day, flash 5 words to the baby 3 times . Then on the 2nd day, show these 5words again 3 times… and add another 5 new words which to be shown 3 times also. Total up 10 flashcard on 2nd day. On 3rd day, flash the 2 sets of 5 words 3 times per day and add another 5 new words to the baby, also showing 3 times. So on 3rd day, there are total of 15 words.

My question is…
What about the 4th day…, the 5th day…?

and how to retire words and add new words ater 5th day…


the book should be read more than once, is very simple, then you personalized it.
when the child understands the first words and is having fun he will smile and laugh.
once the child has learned the first words you should speed up in order that it doesn’t become boring, this is often the case with mathematics.
whatever you 're doing to help the child, can not go wrong :slight_smile:

Anyone undestand the glenn doman system… when to retire words and add new words?

Hi, You can refer to this blog,

It has details on doman’s method

hi babymum…

to add on to dna’s reply…

also a suggestion to your question on how to retire words after the 5th day (taken from also) :-

[i]After showing your 25 words for 5 days you don’t have to retire all 25. You retire just five words and add five new ones. Daily. Here is an example: I have a set of five words for my baby

  • apple
  • milk
  • bread
  • carrot
  • banana
    I am showing these words for 5 days, 3x a day. At the beginning of the next week, I retire just one word (let’s say, a word “banana”), and add a new one, so the set looks like this:
  • apple
  • milk
  • bread
  • carrot
    NEW: soup
    My baby is happy to see old words (someone just recently mentioned that her baby loved old words so much, this mom ended up with two piles – the baby got very upset when any old words would disappear) and even happier – for a surprise: a new word (“soup”)!

I show these words 3x on Monday. On Tuesday I retire another old word (“carrot”) and add another new one, so my set looks like this:

  • apple
  • milk
  • bread
  • soup
    NEW: butter

So, similarly, on Wednesday my set will look like this:

  • apple
  • milk
  • soup
  • butter
    NEW: cereal

By the end of the week, all the words from week 1 would be replaced and the baby will start getting familiar with the 5 new words! So you just continue like this adding one/removing one from each set and adjusting your sets according to your baby’s interest.[/i]

hope this helps… :slight_smile:

Hi Qzee,

this is definitely helpful. Thanks for your kind sharing.

Btw, How do you manage the so many words to be retired? Do you write the date you started on the flashcards? or do you take down notes?
Also, do you swap the card in the 1st day set with the card in the 2nd day set?

Eg. first day set


2nd day set

on 3rd day, do you put apple to the 2nd set, and change the word" cup" to the 1st set?

:slight_smile: THks

hi babymum…

I made a spreadhseet for you… :slight_smile:

All you need to do is to type in the words you want to show to your baby in the Yellow boxes on the left side.
The words will appear in the table accrodingly.

You do not need to change anything else in the spreadsheet. Only the Yellow boxes.

After you type in the words, you can print out.
The Session1, Session2, Session3 boxes on the right is for you to keep track… That way you dont have to write the dates/sessions on the flashcards…

There is also speadsheets for couplets and phrases in there… (after you finish showing the 200 single words)

Hope this helps !

Wow Qzee, really appreciate your great help! Now i feel more confident in following Domans method. The spreadsheet is really helpful.

Thanks for your kindness… Shall be starting my flashcard for my bb very soon. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

it’s my pleasure!

enjoy! :slight_smile:

btw, if you plan to use the Glenn Doman deluxe kits flashcards… you have to add in more words.
i think my GD sets comes up to 600 single words, 100 couplets, 60 phrases …etc
(let me know if you need me to update the spreadsheet :P)


I think Doman has complicated things as many people ask these questions before they start out. For ease and consistency I showed one large set of words 2-3 times per day for a week. Every Sunday I pulled out a new set of materials, therefore retiring a whole set. This was an easy way to teach my baby and he loved it. He saw each word an average of 15 times, maybe more, and never acted disappointed to have a brand new set of words. I kept my materials on my dresser because I changed the baby on my bed. After a diaper change we would look at about 20 word cards and 1-2 word books, each with 20 words in them. It took us about 2 minutes or less. I did this first thing in the morning, at the mid morning diaper change and around noon. By noon we had finished our reading for the day from flash cards and could enjoy books and other play.

It is important to personalize the system so it works for you.

I also show one set of 20 words 3 times a day - in the morning after we wake up, after nap and before bed . I always ask her if she wants me to show her the pictures and she always says yes :yes: . I have mixed some pictures to the set of words, sometimes we even play the “oh oh fix it” game with pictures ( inspired by sparkabilities) :slight_smile: After the words a show her the math dots and the last flashcard is a photo of her and she loves that, I kiss the picture and tell her I love her,then I kiss and cudle her and tell her how great she was/is. She likes to kiss her photo as well- we play a game- I ask her to kiss her nose,eye … I retire two flashcards daily.
After breakfast and in the afternoon I show her LR/LM in english.

gzee that spread sheet is wonderful,karma to you.

hi lelask!

thats a great idea on the flashcard photos ! hmm…i will check out sparkabilites too (since you mentioned it)…
