Glenn Doman has passed away

This great man has finally made is return to where he came leaving the world a better place for children everywhere and showing parents what their children and brain injured children were capable of. Thank you gor all your hard work Glenn you mean a lot to the people who don’t even know you and thanks for pursuing your work even in the face of continual public criticism,

This is very sad news. He was a great man who did a lot to the children of future generations and a lot to the happiness and well being of our family.

He was a great man. My heart is full of gratitude for the legacy he has given us. I truly love Glenn Doman.

sad news. one of the great person.he showed the potential of our children


I feel a deep sadness at the news of the death of Glenn Doman, but I think people like him never die, because there will always remain alive in our memory and our hearts.

I was sad to read the news that Glenn Doman has passed away, too. He has done such a great thing for the world, contributing to the great growth of generations of children and families who will learn to love learning because of all the work he has done and all the experiences he has shared. Rest in peace, and our prayers go out to his family.

I ask all those who have appreciated Glenn Doman and his work to say a prayer for his soul to rest in peace, and may light up a candle. It’s the only way we can settle for a life dedicated to humanity. Thank you!

this news saddened me. then I thought about all he has achieved in his lifetime. how many lives he has changed, how many viewpoints he has altered and how many impossibles he has made possible and I am now thinking wow if only I could make such a difference. the man was a legend alive and I have no doubt his death will carry his words as far or further! my heart goes out to his family and I hope they know just how loved and appreciated he was!


Sad news, RIP

This is really sad news. But as Is wrote, he lives in the hearts of people. A true genius and a great human being. Salute. RIP.

I was very sad to hear the news that Glenn Doman passes away.
He is great person who always believe in the capibility of our children.
Rest in peace, you always be in our memory forever.

He is definitely one of my heroes. When I first read his books I wanted to move next door to the Institutes and have my kids benefit from all he does. Those who have been to IAHP are truly blessed. May his work carry on and grow strength in his death. He will be missed.


Dear friends,

Thank you for letting me know about Dr. Doman’s passing. The work of IAHP was such a big part of our lives. My family mourns his loss.

As you can see from the attachment, his departure is not “news” at this time, except for within IAHP circles, on this brillkids forum, on the “non-native-speaking” forum , and on other blogs like these (1, 2, 3, 4), and other social media. Meanwhile the Gates foundation is pumping cash and publicity into Early Learning programs.

Doman’s work was ahead of his time, but its time is coming soon.
