Glenn Doman Course

I was wondering if anyone has attended the Glenn Doman course. I was thinking of attending the one for brain injuried children.
Was it worth it?
How much was it? and
Did it help you understand how to teach your child more then before by just reading the book?
Thank-you so much

I have never been but a mom from another group said it was fabulous and definitely worth it. I think if you can attend you should. I think they keep a lot of their information private and teach it only at their courses.

i wish if they had any online courses. i would love to joine them

if you have a child brain injured it will be the best thing you can do for him! I took it and I love Glenn Doman, if you have a regular child I should recommend you to take the course named " how to multiply your baby´s intelligence".

Thank-you for your reply. Are you able to tell me did you find this course to help much more then just reading the books and reading forums? If so how? Did they give you additional information or hand outs?
Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I know what I’m getting into

it is fun to know I´m named the same as you, regarding to Doman´s course, i took the one for brain injured children because my son has DS, it was fabulous because they explained very well all his methodology, they also gave us handouts everyday about the exercises you can do for your children at home and how to do them, (sometimes the books doesn´t explain the details and frecuency), some articles and a some member of the family is answering specific questions in every break. they teached us how to teach our babies to read. The course lasts one entire week and starts from 8am-til 7pm. After this one they have level 2 and 3. In the 2nd i think they teach maths and bits and about nutrition. The 3rd one i´m not sure about the topics.

It was great to asist, specially when you have a child that desperately needs it, if you have a regular son i recommend you the other one how to multiply your baby´s intelligence, i think it doesn´t last the whole week, costs much much less and they only explain to you about reading, maths, and bits that i think you must be interested in.

if you have more questions i will be more than glad to answer them
i hope this info has been useful to you


Totally worth it !! My daughter was 4 years old when I attended and although she was “old” I walked away with tons of new information, presentations, materials, and the most important experience for us: we were able to see first hand not only the kids of the THomas Evans Institute taking different lessons and showing us tremendous abilities but we were able to talk to moms that have been following Doman for years and we were able to ask any number of questions about any topic every day!! this you can not achieve by reading the books and wantching the dvds.

In fact after viewing the dvs and reading the books - I still did not believe that their method could change kids minds that much; the books are veryyyy old and somehow boring and so are the videos - but for some reason (Thank God) I decided to go and evaluate it myself - I did not want to miss something big. I did not want to risk missing out because of someone else’s experience. I would rather try it and waste time and money than live wondering how this experience would have reshaped our lifes. But that is just me.

Taking the classes was “The best desicion” I have made as a teacher and mom.

Highly recommended.


ps: also you can call and over the phone they will describe the course topics and determine which course will help you best.

Dear Gloria & mbc,

Great to hear your experience in person at the Institutes. I would love to hear about the math program from you both. Could you please share:

  1. What has been your experience with teaching Doman math to your kids.
  2. Are all the kids from the Institutes able to perform equations instantly?
  3. What did they teach in the math program in the course that is not there in the “Teach your baby math” book?

I have so many questions about math and why it is not so successful to many people. I even sent a mail to the Domans requesting a few videos of the Institute-trained kids performing math, but they did not send a to-the-point reply. Your insight would be very much appreciated.


Hi, I attended the Multiply Course as well as the Graduate course from the Institutes before my 14 month old son contracted a virus that passed to his brain. He had been learning through the math, Intelligence bits and reading prior to his injury. In short, I would not recommend the Injury Course UNLESS you have an injured child and wish to enter into the program for a brain injured child, as it is prerequisite for an evaluation from the staff to create a specific program for your child. They required both myself and my husband to attend in order to have our son evaluated. We would do ANYTHING for him, don’t get me wrong, but to pay to hear them recite from the book, with little further knowledge imparted was simply a waste of our precious time and money. There is little in the Brain Injury Course, as with the Multiply, that was not in the books. As with the How to Multiply Course, if you have read the books and purchased the DVDs of the lectures, you will only be hearing them read from the 20 and 30 year old stories in the books. All lectures are straight from the books, and they only introduce the actual programs from the How to Teach your baby to Read, Math and Mutliply (Intelligence Bits). You need to read and reference the books for the actual programs. If you grasp the information they are imparting and purchase the specific books on how to teach your baby to read and the math, which lay out the specific methods, the lectures are primarily just to “convince” you early education works. If you are using the brill kids math and reading program, they are a VERY similar method, just in computer form. If you are looking to be inspired, then by all means I would recommend the Multiply course, if only to introduce you to the amazing children of the Evan Thomas Institutes, made up mostly of the staff children. You can only imagine the materials and resources these children have, as well as how inspiring it is to see a a professional mom at work. Please feel free to ask any questions.

Dear All,
I signed up to attend the"What to do about yr Brain Injured child"in Singapore this July. But I am still trying to ask myself whether it is worth going as it is not cheap.But for me if it is really worth it, I do not mind.I have a Down Syndrome son who is 9yrs old and I actually have done some of Glenn Doman exercises like patterning, crawling,masking, brachiation etc when he was 2yrs old and not able to walk yet.I got to know this method thru Nury Institute Kuala Lumpur which adopted Glenn Doman methods.Yes, it is a wonderful method that helps a lot of development in my child.My son is able to read, write,run and rather independent now.I believe that the method works.Unfortunately I did not continue the exercises after 2 years, but I still do the flashcards(bit of intelligence)with my kids until today.Though not on a regular basis…hehe.What I am hoping now by going to the course it would make my DS child a better person than who he is now.But if anyone can help me whether should I go, since it’s a full 5 days course.Believe me, it is quite a great sum with the accomodation to pay and getting someone to take care of my children during my away day.



Personally I’ve been using the babybit DVDs. You could find it at
They are based on Glenn Doman method. For my children this DVDs worked very well.

This DVDs are a bit expensives but they have a lot of flashcards packed inside.

Best regards

michiganmom thanks for your opinion.Helped me very much. I have ordered those books so I am very happy I don’t miss out by not attending the course.