I first heard of Glen Doman when I was looking for help for my 10 year old. Following reading his material I realised that my daughter had a brain injury. She has moderate learning and social problems, physical inaptness and various other problems and we accept she received brain injury during the birth as her oxygen levels went down and an emergency csection was required, we have only recently realised that this was caused by her traumatic birth.
I have been doing primary movement including crawling with her and I can’t see any improvement although her tutor has said she has now got rid of all her relexes. If you don’t know about primary movement don’t worry, it is similar to pattern exercises. We have since done some table pattern exercises to no improvement although I know I need to go on a course at the institute in order to be able to evaluate her properly and know if the exercises are helping her. Because we have seen no improvement she and I are fed up doing them.
I have tried getting help from the IAHP to no avail and I am worried about spending $1000 plus travel to go to the, how to help your brain injured child course, that may be of no benefit to my daughter and maybe have no support after the course.
If you know about anybody who has done the course and had success from it, please let me know.
Any comments would be great.