girls or boys??

when I was pregnant I wanted to have a boy and my husband a gIRL…and we finally had a girl. :biggrin:
and I wouldn’t change that at all!! I love her very much and I am more than happy with her…

So do you go for girls or boys?

I prefer a gal for my first child and it comes out to be a gal… now I am hoping for a boy… but still under planning with no pressure. lol

In the begining, pre children. I wanted one of each. The boy first. Well, I had my boy but then I had another boy. I still wanted a girl so we tried again and lucked out with our girl. Then we went on to have another boy! I’m pretty sure we’re done now! :yes:

I am glad I have both though, because even though I love all my kids, I think I would feel like I was missing something if I didn’t. :rolleyes:

My hubby really wanted a boy first to watch out for any litle sisters he might have. I sensed such a strong presence inutero, we were sure it would be a boy.
We got a rough and tumble girl instead. She may be protecting a little brother some day.
Couldn’t imagine it any other way now. My hubby feels the same way. :happy:

I got exactly what I wanted, a very sweet little girl. I really wanted a girl my husband had no preference. So it worked out we for everyone lol When I have another baby I am not fussed if its a girl or boy but another girl woud be nice.

I heard if you want a boy you can ask your doctor what day will be the best to be able to decide the sex of your child depends of your ovulation day?if your want a girl same thing…my friend say that we can plan that.
Have any of you know something about this? :mellow:

I always wanted to have a girl for some reason, but I would have been happy with either. Then I got twin girls, I got what I wanted times 2. Couldn’t be more happier.

pre pregnancy I want a bory and my hubby said it is a girl…and it turnout to be it a cute liltle girl. couldn’t wished any other and I hope after this I get a boy…no rush though! :smiley:

maybe I want the first one to be a boy cause he can be a leader one day if not for other person, let it be to his siblings… :biggrin:

in these ones you are able to culculate .there are information about that. i hardly believe this lol lol

Thank you for the links…karma to you.

in the begginning i wanted to have a baby girl and hubby wanted a boy as first baby. during the first trimester could not shop anything for the baby since we still did not know the gender but i was always heading to the girls section because they are so cute!
when my ultrasound came and announced it was a boy, i was very happy and hopefull that everything will be alright.
now i am very inlove with my lovely son, hubby n i are hoping for girl but not soon.

When i was pregnant my gut feeling was that it is going to be boy.N we had boy.If i ever go for one more child i would prefer girl. lol

When I was pregnant I did not have a preference of the sex of the baby. O knew my hudband wanted a boy mand a few months into it we found out were having a boy. Either way I am happy I just want a happy healthy baby. Now that I have a boy I do want a girl for my next child. I will for sure plan ahead and try to concieve a girl. lol

Before we even thought of having a baby, I always thought I wanted a girl. I thought I would be able to do so much with her and connect better when she was older. Go shopping, teach her how tho cook etc. Then when we got pregnant I was hoping for a boy. I don’t know why, but that is what we were both hoping for. We got our wish. He is the best little thing I could have asked for, boy or girl. He is a happy kid, eats and sleeps well, what more could I have asked for. We are thinking of trying for another soon, and my thoughts at the moment are I would like another boy. We did use a maybe baby type device the first time around and I’m not sure if we should let nature take its course or if we are lucky enough to conceive or try for a boy. I’m sure I’m missing out on something special if we don’t have a girl, but I in the end I would be happy with whatever we are blessed with.