Gifted Schools in Queens,NY

I live in Laurelton, NY, which is in the borough of Queens. I am looking for an affordable gifted school for my 3 year old grandson Chance. There are only two schools in my area, which I am not interested in. I would like my grandson to attend a school that is culturally diverse. Honestly, this is a first to me, and I am so excited!

I realize I am full of questions today, but I just found out that Chance has been given the very special title as being a gifted child and I would like to continue the learning in a positive and great environment.

I would really appreciate some help with this.

Thank you.

Have you considered the G&T programs at the public schools? They are very competitive, but can be great from what I hear and are quite a bit above the standard level of public school education. Karen over at makes her living helping children get into G&T programs, she is based out of NYC I believe, and this was posted on her site: (part one) (part two)

You also may be interested in checking out this website, not sure if it will he helpful on your search or not: And this is an older article, but it might give you some leads/insights. And the general website for info- &

And this article mentions School Search NYC, a private advising company.

Good luck, if I come across anything else I’ll add it in. Let us know how it turns out, looking for a high quality yet affordable school (especially one with a G&T program in NYC) can be a huge challenge!