getting the dad involved

Are there any dads on these forums? I’m trying to get my husband more interested in teaching my daughter and doing things with her. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to motivate him to work on early learning with her? Thanks!

Good luck with that! I do all the early learning stuff with my son. His dad just leaves it to me, knowing that I know what I’m doing, and I have researched everything. The only thing he does is a few signs. He doesn’t know many, but he at least does the ones he knows. He doesn’t like to read, so I can’t expect him to be able to teach something he, himself doesn’t do.

He doesn’t disagree with anything I do though, he’s just not involved. If I left it to him, Gabriel would be raised by the TV.

I agree, mainly I do the research and tell my husband what I’ve learned and he supports what I want to do. He’s definitely seen the results. He will show cards but he doesn’t actually research any of them himself. He also is not a big reader outside of journals/books for work and hobbies. So although I would love to see him creating presentations, researching POIs and taking over a significant portion of reading aloud/card/presentation showing for now I am happy to know that he is supportive of my goals for our son.

My dh believes that what I am teaching dd’s is making a difference, however, unless I ask for help, he is happy to let me do it all. I find that if I am very specific in asking him to help with a certain activity he is happy to help - this works with house work too! lol

Hi there,

My hubby is like kmum’s - being specific helps!!!

We have been doing a letter of the alphabet every week and it’s his job to show our son something on the internet starting with that letter. The amazing thing is that my son never forgets the things that his dad shows him! If they only realised the impact they could make on their children…


my hubby is also very helpful. he do show E the flashcard and presentation read books for E. he helps me to make flashcards too. when i make the book i always paste transparent sticker to keep book in good condition.

as other moms said he is not reading much and never research. it all leave for me to do and he is sure that i would do the best for our little one.

Men’s brains work differrently. We are problem solvers if something is not broken we do not want to fix it. If our children are healthy and we are providing for all their needs we may not see the significance of showing them flashcards, math dots, shadow bits, etc.

We need to know this is a need because we meet needs, it is our nature. My wife and I have spent a lot of time researching the methods of Glenn Doman, Shinichi Suzuki, the Newells’ Family Hope Center, and others. But she has always been the driving force in organizing and applying these techniques to our son.

Those of us in management and team building know that everyone has something to offer but you have to foster those talents and celebrate small victories before they really become an asset.

Do not give up on your husbands just keep mentioning things until you see that twinkle in their eyes. He has an interest in what you are doing and he loves your and your child/children. This is all that is required. Do not let him become intimidated. Start small.

I am currently learning the violin according to the Suzuki method under an instructor in our hometown. A town that does not have a lot of support for the early childhood development techniques. I started out showing bits to my son and helping my wife make them. I then made a crawling track, a shadow board, and pretty soon I was swept away with it.

I still do not contribute as much as my wife does but anything helps.

Good to know! I’m hoping he’ll become more motivated about that as well! :yes:

Thanks for your input! It’s always good to hear another side of things and it really does help if I can understand where he is coming from and see things his way too. What you said makes total sense.

Maybe try getting him involved by videoing you teaching her, or of her reading etc. And when she’s old enough, ask her to ask Daddy to read to her etc!
