Get a FREE Udder Cover Nursing cover - just pay shipping

I wanted to pass along a promo code that I have recently used. For those of you breastfeeding and wanting to use a cover, I highly recommend the Udder Cover. If you go to their website,, you can use promo code ONEFREE to receive their Essence cover FREE, just pay the $7.95 US shipping and handling. It will show in your cart that the cost of the cover is refunded and you are only responsible for the shipping and handling.

Too great of a deal to not pass along - a $32 savings.

That’s a great deal, but that link is not working.

a very great deal indeed. the correct website is :smiley:

Sorry about my typo - thanks Mom for responding with the correct one.

Thanks Momtoo,

I am not nursing right now, but I ordered one anyways. Maybe for the next one? lol

I’m not breastfeeding anymore, but I’m hoping that I will be able to breastfeed my next baby much better :yes: They only have them left in blue and pink, but it is a great offer!

Thank you so much for sharing! Karma to you :wink: I love this kind of links with free good quality stuff lol

Even if you can’t use it, it would make a great shower gift for a mommy who is going to breastfeed. Think about it, it’s like giving a $32 gift (plus $8 shipping too) for only $8. No one else is going to know what you paid.

I just bought one for my sister-in-law. Thanks so much. :smiley:

I was just wondering if any of you have gotten yours in the mail yet? I ordered mine 2 weeks ago, and still nothing. I never even got a shipping confirmation.

Nothing yet :nowink:

I am getting ready to order one, but I wanted to post here first.

I spoke to Jenny, a customer rep. at the company and she informed me that any order placed on the 6th and after for the blue udder cover and the 12th and after for the pink one was not shipped out until May 21st due to the items being on back order. She said all the orders have been shipped out and should arrive between Wednesday and Friday of next week.

She said that if anyone has any further question please do not hesitate to call her at 1-801-766-2290, she was very helpful and willing to clear up any issues that I had and I am sure she will do the same for you.

P.S. She also inquired about the forum and after telling her how wonderful it was she said that if she gets a free moment today that she will visit the site:)

Hope this helps!!

Thanks Patience!