Germany Homeschoolers
This is an article that homeschoolers in Germany may want to read.

Sad that the article was written in 2008. Evidently they haven’t made any headway with this because Germans still cannot homeschool their children and those who come into the country for work are still at risk of getting their children taken away from them as well.
I hope someday Germany will change this law for the good of all families.

No offense to anyone, I hope, but this issue illustrates perfectly one of the differences between Europe and the U.S. In the U.S., it’s obvious that parents should be able to homeschool. In Europe, it’s obvious that it’s at best highly questionable.

I wonder if homeschooling is legal in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, or Singapore?

to answer DadDude’s guestion

click here

Homeschooling is legal but of course there are different stipulations for those who aren’t citiizens for some countries.
Such as China, its easier to submit you are homschooling in China if you are not a Chinese citizen.

Singapore, Japan and Taiwan, actually the homeschooling movement is growing in these countries and is very much legal.

South Korea they just leave homeschoolers alone, I can’t imagine anything being legal in North Korea.

Homeschooling is always threatened though by law. No matter where you live. Even in the US. It wasn’t to long ago that California tried to ‘outlaw’ homeschooling. Of course that was overturned.
So homeschoolers even in the United States are always fighting to keep homeschooling legal.