german resources

Apologies if there is already a thread on this - still tryign to navigate my way through this forum.

Was really intrigued reading the post about the child being bombarded (prob the worng word :wink: :slight_smile: ) by a heap of languages and then being able to pick up a few things from each.

My 3 and 4 yr olds are both awesome readers thanks to YBCR and native reading, and we are getting there with our 11 month old.

I have always wanted to teach my children another language but only have limited experience in German, but we have a German friend who has been teaching them recently and I am blown away by how much they have learnt so quickly (more than I learnt in 3 years at high school :tongue: )

Reading the other post has motivated me to immerse them all in at least one other Language and maybe more?

Trying to find some good german songs/nursery rhymes etc to play in the car and just when they are playing at home. Language Lyrics sounded good but I they dont seem to do it anymore??

Any ideas, places to look etc??

we have little pim german, and ‘i can speak’ which the kids like but am over the tv being on!! :wacko:

Hi there!

I’m from Germany and from my little niece and nephews and from my own childhood experience I know that there are so many fantastic german series for kids are produced.

Within you’ll find everything.

For the beginning:
Learning diferrent languages (Kroatisch (Stereo), Deutsch (Stereo), Türkisch (Stereo), Englisch (Stereo), Italienisch (Stereo), Französisch (Stereo), Spanisch (Stereo)), all can be used, even big subtitles can be shown.örter-Sprachen-lernen-kinderleicht/dp/B000EBD75K/ref=sr_1_3?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566157&sr=1-3

Singing and dancingöcker-Singen-Bewegen/dp/B000B6699O/ref=sr_1_4?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566293&sr=1-4

Or why dont look the german sesam-street? :slight_smile:!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Cn%3A720452&bbn=694736&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566294&rnid=694736

The little caterpillar and other stories

Read along
You can hear the stories in english german and even in 3 other languages (frensh, italian, spanish) and see non-moving pictures! How great!!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cp_n_feature_browse-bin%3A400497011%2Cn%3A3270341&bbn=290505&ie=UTF8&qid=1314567088&rnid=290505

When they know basic words

Pettersson and Findus (a nice man and a cat)… They tell very good stories, your kids will love them!!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Cn%3A720442&bbn=694736&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566294&rnid=694736

Benjamin Blümchen (a speaking elephant, for age 2 and older)!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736&bbn=290505&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566285&rnid=290505#/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅZÕÑ&url=node%3D694736&field-keywords=benjamin+blümchen&rh=n%3A284266%2Cn%3A!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Ck%3Abenjamin+blümchen

Or bob the builder in german:!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736&bbn=290505&ie=UTF8&qid=1314566285&rnid=290505#/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅZÕÑ&url=node%3D694736&field-keywords=bob+der+baumeister&rh=n%3A284266%2Cn%3A!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Ck%3Abob+der+baumeister


The series with the elephant
There are many things to explore! Told stories (no moving pictures), real explanations (visiting factories e.g.) and in between the little elephant. There is a subtitle for perent in german, what they can do with their children to animat them. Very lovely and especially made for kids between 3 and 6, very easy language is used for the little ones.

And for gaining new knowledge (if the kids learned more words)

Es war ein mal … das Leben/ der Mensch/Entdecker (Once upon a time there was … live/the human body/explorers) exploring biology in an easy, understandable way, little older, than the series below. Very educating!!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Cn%3A779378&bbn=694736&ie=UTF8&qid=1314565285&rnid=694736

Was ist was (what is what) explaining different Questions (planets, vulcanos, …) (newer, more animated)!547664%2Cn%3A290505%2Cn%3A694736%2Cn%3A213899031&bbn=694736&ie=UTF8&qid=1314565285&rnid=694736

Another idea search in your amazon for films in english AND german language (exampe:

Or you sing along. If you want some CD ideas, just say it :wink:
