
DD has been really into learning about the polygons lately, courtesy of Peter Weatherall’s The Polygon Song, which is a big hit in our house.

Help me understand–

Why is geometry typically taught in high school? Is there a rhyme or reason or just typical public school slacking? I don’t expect her to be doing formulas now but I would love to continue to teach her a variety of unique shapes (hexagonal pyramids, dodecagons, etc) and about dots, lines, planes, etc that require no formulas and will lay a foundation. We can even discuss radius, circumference, and diameter, just not do the formulas. Once her math skills grow, she will already know the concept and will just have to plug in numbers down the road. Seems like it would help us mix up her math lessons too to add in some variety.

We are starting to add and subtract (she is turning two this month) and do greater/less than. Am I way off here wanting to introduce geometry at this stage in the game? The shapes are fun to her so I want to give her more, but is it better to wait until after she learns algebra? I know that’s how it’s traditionally done, but I can’t figure out if there is a specific reason WHY.

Also, if anyone knows where to find any large kid friendly geometry flashcards please share!

I sure hope you get some replies. I love Geometry and have always wondered why it is taught so late in school. I plan on incorporating geometry concepts into everyday life. Our little on is only 3 months but I think I will use different shapes to teach color and shapes.

I think that for teaching geometric solids, 3D models work better than flashcards, which are two-dimensional. I used the free printables on this site:, printed them out on cardstock, and made the models with some “help” from my toddler. Then, I made labels in English and Chinese and play a game with her where she matches the names of the geometric solids to the models.

By the way, we also love Peter Weatherall in our house! Ella easily learned the concept of greater than/less than with the help of McGreedy the Alligator. Although, according to her, “He is not really greedy. He is just VERY hungry!” :biggrin: