General knowlege

Hi All,
As everybody is aware of sleep talk that whatever information we provide while kids are sleeping it will help them to last forvever.For example If u want ur child to learn something say language spanish than u have to speak while they are sleeping for example in spanish Red color is Rojo so say while they are sleeping that red is rojo.So when they wake up and if u speak rojo the word rojo is known to them.And ur child will feel that he/she has listen this word previously.And u can provide any kind of information.
So if sleep talking is so powerful.Why not to take benefit out of it.Lets gather some general knowledge for our child for ex Sun rises from east and sets in west,Milk and milk products have calcium,Apple has lots of iron ,7 wnders of world etc.So please participate and lets gather some general knowlege from all parents and than write it down altogether in 1 paper and read while they are sleeping.


I read on another forum that was discussing Shichida methods and this was referred to as the power of suggestion. It was recommended that you stick to one concept and speak it only during the first five minutes after the child goes to sleep. I’m not sure for how many nights this would need to go on, I guess until you saw some result.

A quote from one mother said

“One thing that I learn from Shichida School about “Power of Suggestion”, I found it is very useful. When he was around 9 months old, he always woke up in the middle of nite and disturbed us, and he also woke up early in the morning and cried. So my husband and I started this recording. After he sleeps, I will put the recording beside his pillow and let it run for 30 minutes, on the recording I was saying that he’s a good boy, he will have a sound and good sleep right through morning, and so on and so on. After 7 days, he didn’t wake up anymore until now and whenever he wakes up, he will not disturb us anymore, he will play by himself and wait until we wake up.”

Although, I think I have been telling Jacob to sleep through the night since birth and we have yet to have that happen. lol

But you have to visualize that Jacob is sleeping nicely through out the night.For the first 15 minutes when he go to sleep.
Than only it will work.


So are you saying that by telling him this in his sleep and by me visualizing this it will somehow transfer to him? I am so ready to try anything at this point. I am sooo tired.

I do like the idea of playing classical music while baby is sleeping. I foudn a cd that is called alpha wave music that I would like to get and give that a try. It is supposed to be calming.

I think teaching another language in this way is an intersting concept.

Yaa that’s true u have to visualise.Cabn you pls share some general knowledge for all of us


I’ll have to admit that I don’t really necessarily go for the whole visualization / ESP thing but I do have some tapes that I play for my son during playtime, in the car, while he sleeps, etc. I just think it’s a great way to memorize things, just hearing them over and over even if they’re not actively paying attention, we all know that little kids have brains “like sponges” and absorb everything they hear and see.

I’ve had different tapes throughout the months, and the main thing I put on there is Bible memory verses, but some other things I have done (or am planning on doing) are:

-Poetry or other selections (like quotes, speeches, etc.)
-Perfect pitch (playing and labeling notes on the piano)
-Music (“This is symphony number 9 in D minor by Beethoven” then play the song)
-World or state capitals
-Atomic numbers (i.e. Hydrogen = 1, Helium = 2)
-Lists (like the Presidents of the United States, the books of the Bible, etc.)
-As you have already mentioned, foreign language phrases and words

This isn’t a very exhaustive list but basically you can do just about anything that can be taught verbally. I’m sure others will be able to add more ideas. Looking forward to hearing everyone else’s ideas on things to teach through tapes.

P.S. I moved this to the “Encyclopedic Knowledge” board because hopefully as people add their ideas we will accumulate a large list of encyclopedic facts that you can teach your child verbally. :yes:

do you make your own tapes or do you buy them?
if you buy them i would really like to know what you use

Haha I actually just use the really old-fashioned cassette tape and tape recorder. I know it’s outdated but it’s easy - just stick a blank tape in and hit “record”. I’m pretty sure you can still buy blank tapes and tape recorders at Wal-mart and probably other places if you don’t have any leftovers from the 90’s.


The key is getting into the recipient’s subconscious mind, by bypassing the critical, logical, conscious mind.

For children, if you can also get them to visualize, then all the better, as that is an additional (and very powerful) way to help get the message through. You can also do it w/o visualization and just use audio input, which you can also use during sleep time (when obviously the recipient would be too sleepy to carry on visualizations).

Here’s what I wrote about this topic in a previous thread:

Anyway, this principle (of being spoken to while asleep) is a concept that can commonly be found in subjects like hypnosis/self-hypnosis also.

The theory is this (if I recall correctly). Our brains function at different brainwave frequencies:

  • Beta - 12Hz and above - this is normal waking state
  • Alpha - 8-12Hz - relaxed state
  • Theta - 4-8Hz - deep relaxation, meditative state
  • Delta - 4 hz and below - usually associated with sleep

At beta levels, the conscious mind is in full force, and in alpha and theta, the deeper you get, the more your extremely powerful sub-conscious mind can be accessed, by-passing the critical, logical, left-brained conscious mind.

Thsi is why hypnosis/self-hypnosis typically will get you relaxed first, lowering your brainwave down to alpha and theta levels (NOT delta), and at that state, suggestions are given to you to try to alter your subconscious way of thinking. So for example, one common use of this is for conquering phobias and treating addictions like smoking. Your subconscious mind is persuaded that, eg., you can’t stand the smell of smoking, that you’re repulsed by the sight of it, etc.

Another similar area is the use of affirmations, where you repeat to yourself (or having something like your CD player - sorry, I mean iPOD smile - repeat to you) affirmations like, “I am confident”, “I am successful”, etc., in order to get your subconscious mind to start believing it, and therefore start feeling it all the time. Affirmations can be done while awake, or more effectively, during beta and theta states.

That’s why there are many programs which have you play affirmations to yourself when you’re going to sleep, because on your way to sleep, you will certainly pass through the alpha and theta states.

This is the same reason why Tweedlewink videos play soothing music in the background (to relax the child), and also why they begin and end with affirmations for the child. BTW, on this point, my favorite affirmation for Felicity has always been “I can do anything!”. Whenever she says she can’t do something, I encourage her (with help) to do it herself, and when she does do it, I get her to say, “I can do anything!”.

The last point to make is that I’m not sure whether the sub-conscious mind is still open (or if it is, how open) during DELTA/sleep state. From my recollection (I read about this area many many years ago, as I’ve always been fascinated with the brain), the key is actually the theta state, just before sleep.

That thread is here:

Does anyone have any recordings that they have made or compiled for their children that they are willing to share? :yes: