GD MATHS- reply from IAHP

Real-world evidence for an extraordinary claim. I recently received a reply from IAHP which i thought might be of interest.

“we have no systematic rigorous longitudinal study showing the positive effect of the use of Dot Cards in developing “number sense,” which is another name for quantity recognition; and we also have no studies showing a direct correlation of the development of number sense with the later academic work of children in studying Math. We have, however, a consensus feeling among hundreds of mothers who have used the Dot Cards program that it has been helpful to their children’s later development of Math skills. The absence of rigorous studies is due to our refusal to use “control groups” who are deprived of any educational advantage we know about. We continue to operate by offering all we know to anyone who will listen, and the “control group” has to be the rest of the world.”

“The Dot Cards were revised a few years ago, and the programs related to them are under constant review.”

Hopefully we will have a better understanding of GD maths when we receive an update from Elizabeth following the “countdown to Christmas”.


very interesting. thanks for posting, Chris.

Yes–thank you very much for posting this.

Glenn Doman asks in one of his videos who our favorite genius is, and without a doubt Mr. Doman is mine. I absolutely love him. I love his love for children. I love his quest for knowledge. I believe everything he says.

I was disappointed, then, when I followed his program religiously with my son and then when he turned about 2 his ability to do instant math seemed to suddenly disappear. When I read the response from IAHP, I was a little bit disillusioned because I was led to believe that if you follow the program the child will recognize true quantity forever.

A few weeks have passed, though, and in playing with the dot cards I’ve realized that my son CAN still recognize them…he’s just bored with them and doesn’t want to play that game. He cannot, however, verbalize his answers AT ALL, which I hear is very common and needs to be evaluated and studied in the very least. Is there some sort of right-brain/left-brain issue going on? I do not know…

Hi Texaslady22,

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