gain weigh?

i found that first two months of my pregnancy i lose two kg. and when i check this month it shows only 200g gain in my weight is this a problem? how much weight should i gain during this period. i’m 17 week now.

If you began pregnancy at a normal weight, you should gain 25–35 pounds over the nine months.
2-5 pounds during the first trimester
Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the second trimester
Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the third trimester

Hi rizoo

I won’t worry too much if I were you. :nowink: With my first pregnancy my starting weight was 82 kg and two days before my little girl was born I weighed 76 kg. My little girl was a healthy 3.706 kg.
I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and lost 2 kg since then. My obstetrician said as long as you’re eating healthy and the weight loss is not too big, I have nothing to worry about.

Hope this eases your mind a bit!


thanks you for you comments and advise.

when i check my weigh yesterday, its now 60.9 kg. withing one month gain around 3 kg…

Hi, rizoo!
If I were you I would not stress out too much about it!
Everybody is different, some months you will gain more, some months less.
They check your weight every month at doctor’s office, and they will let you know if there is a reason for consern
Eat healthy food: fruits, vegetables, low fat milk products, lean meat, legumes and make sure to DRINK PLENTY OF WATER (no less than 8 cups)
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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I have put on 20 pounds so far, and I am 20 weeks and 2 days. Although the weight gains is all over my body, my breast are very large and heavy…help lol

If you are heaving a healthy pregnancy diet ( see Dr Brewer’s blue ribbon baby diet), salt to taste, drink to thirst, and do not indulge in sweets and fast foods, you should not worry about weight, you will gain what your baby will need and you will later loose with BF :slight_smile:

Motherosette, i suggest you invest in the most comfortable bra you can find. Other than that, just make sure you are drinking lots and eating healthy. Weight gain during pregnancy is very normal as is discomfort. It will all be worth it as soon as you meet your little blessing! congrats and good luck!

it’s pretty normal not to gain weight in the first 3 months coz of the nausea and morning sickness … some people even lose weight and thats fine too as long as your doctor doesn’t say anything is wrong :wink:

congrats! :biggrin:

Everyone’s different, and some months you will earn more than that, some months less. They check your weight every month in the doctor’s office, and they’ll let you know if there is reason for concern healthy eating: fruit and vegetables and low-fat dairy products and lean meat, legumes, and make sure you drink plenty of water.

It is very normal things to gain weight after delivery of a baby. All women got good weight after giving birth to a baby. If you still want to gain weight then follow guides from your doctor about healthy diet after delivery.

It is normal,nothing to worry,i also lost my weight first two months,due to morning sickness and nousia.But from the 3rd month ,I loved to eating and felt so good :biggrin: and gain weight month by month.
Eat right,sleep right,be cheerful,think for a angel. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Start eating small mount and several time,it must help to overcome this month.
Congrats…and wish you very enjoyable journey to motherhood :yes: