funny kids

I bet our kids are funny. Would you want to share their funniness for everybody to enjoy? I’ll start with news article and add some of my own later. Enjoy!

BERLIN (Reuters) —Three German children aged five, six and seven who said they were fed up with cold weather at home set off on a voyage to Africa but only got as far as the local train station, police said.

The boy and the older girl were planning to get married in Africa and brought the girl’s five-year-old sister along as a witness. They left their home in the city of Hanover, which they shared with the boy’s father and the girls’ mother, early on New Year’s Day as their parents slept.

“The children wanted to do something really special for the New Year,” said police spokesman Holger Jureczko. “They had it all planned out. They had three suitcases, filled with food, swimming costumes, and even sunglasses.”

He said they took a tram to the central station and were about to board a train to the airport when police stopped them.

“They said they wanted to go to Africa ‘because it’s so nice and warm there’,” Jureczko said. The boy had once been to Italy and convinced the girl that Africa would be even warmer, he said.

The police told the trio that it would be difficult to get to Africa without money or tickets and instead gave them a tour of the police station before handing them over to their parents. —By Anna Brooke, Reuters, January 2009

How cute! I hope little Colin stays in his bed!

One morning couple years ago I went for my pregnancy checkup
My hubby explained to the kids that the doctor will check on the baby…
Coming home. Viktor (4), eying my tummy suspiciously: “How is the baby, did he put it back?”

Here’s a cute story about a 9-year-old violist who’s been winning hearts at a busker festival in Australia all to earn enough cash to buy herself a Playstation.

Carissa Lynch, of Kootingal, hit Tamworth’s buskers alley on Friday, earning $149 by Saturday afternoon. By Monday she had earned about $350.

It sounds like she might be able to upgrade her goal from a Playstation (“I can get one on special for $150” she said, looking very obviously pleased) to a Playstation 3. lol

What an absolutely amazing feat!

Full story here if anyone’s interested :slight_smile:

Here is my own story (let’s see if this thread comes to life, ha)
My 4y.o. is interested in how food is made…
When she wakes up breakfast is usually on the table :slight_smile:
Yesterday she wanted to help (with apple pancakes) so I woke her earlier and she poured and mixed things for me.
I was grating the apples, looking at the results she said:“Is that how you make rice?” lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol