Funny kid stories

I was thinking about us - many are bloggers and many of us are not…so, that means that many of us don’t have a little outlet to share our cute kid stories with the world. Now, of course I think my child is brilliant, amazing, hilarious and so much more…as I’m sure you do of yours. I also know that most of us appreciate humour - some days there’s a lot and some days we have to search for it. So, if you’re in need of a little smile read on. If you want to leave a little smile please add your story.

A story about my son “Stinker Goose” as he now introduces himself as:
Yesterday we were eating fried rice with a mish mash of leftovers stirred in - all edible just not tasty. My husband and I did our best to encourage our almost 3 year old to eat. Finally he asked for some ketchup. “Ketchup? On rice?” I asked incredulously. He responded with “Did you never hear of boys eating ketchup with rice before?” To which I said “No, I’ve never heard of boys eating ketchup with rice before.” He looked at me with a that’s a shame look and said reassuringly “Dat’s okay, Mommy, I will show you on the internet later.” Apparently, I do a lot of explaining of things by showing youtube clips!

cute! lol

Yesterday my husband let a loud one rip, and DD said “Daddy made poopies??” LOL, we just cracked up…not exactly honey!

I was telling my dd1 off which I can’t remember what she was doing but I said to her “Sophia you are making Mummy very cross” to which she turned around and put her hands on her little hips and says “No! You HAPPY!” Still makes me smile hard to be cross when you are told to be happy! lol