I was thinking about us - many are bloggers and many of us are not…so, that means that many of us don’t have a little outlet to share our cute kid stories with the world. Now, of course I think my child is brilliant, amazing, hilarious and so much more…as I’m sure you do of yours. I also know that most of us appreciate humour - some days there’s a lot and some days we have to search for it. So, if you’re in need of a little smile read on. If you want to leave a little smile please add your story.
A story about my son “Stinker Goose” as he now introduces himself as:
Yesterday we were eating fried rice with a mish mash of leftovers stirred in - all edible just not tasty. My husband and I did our best to encourage our almost 3 year old to eat. Finally he asked for some ketchup. “Ketchup? On rice?” I asked incredulously. He responded with “Did you never hear of boys eating ketchup with rice before?” To which I said “No, I’ve never heard of boys eating ketchup with rice before.” He looked at me with a that’s a shame look and said reassuringly “Dat’s okay, Mommy, I will show you on the internet later.” Apparently, I do a lot of explaining of things by showing youtube clips!