Funny/Interesting things kids say

A neighbor and I just started a carpool to take our kids to and from their preschool - the conversations they have with each other are really funny and interesting! Here was a little nugget from the car ride today.

Son’s friend “Hey! George lives over there!”
My son: “George? Curious George? No he doesn’t. He’s fiction. He’s just in stories, and he lives with that guy with the yellow hat.”
Me: “But there are real people in the world named George”
Son’s friend: “Yea!”
My son: Yea…and Georgia is also a State, the one with the peanuts."

I would love to hear the fun conversations your kids have with themselves or their friends! :slight_smile:

My 5 year old son once got in a huge fight with a friend because his friend didn’t agree that sign language was important. :P. My son was livid!

He also tends to work in names of elements or common compounds into common conversation, which is humorous. “I brought this special solution to feed the plants because they need carbon dioxide…and we need plants to give us oxygen!”. Or he’ll randomly tell a stranger how many electrons a certain element has (he’s usually wrong, but no one has ever called him out on it, they are usually just surprised to have heard him say it). Or the time he was trying to crush a little black rock at school because it was “coal” and he was making a diamond (thanks, they might be giants).

Purely funny and not early learning related, my son and his cousin when they were 20 months to 2.5 or so used to get in fights about what to call people (no!!! That’s my mom! No!!! That’s my aunt! They were both right, of course, but be ready to hit each other over it!).

My eldest dd has been watching the peter weatherall human biology DVD. We recently were reading a book from the library about human nervous system and came across the pirturity gland and she pipes up “Mummy one day my pirturity gland will switch on and I will get boobs” it still makes me laugh.

We just came back from traveling. I told my 4 year old that we were going to catch a shuttle from the airport to pick up our car. As we were driving in the shuttle she asked me when we were going to go on the rocket. She assumed that the shuttle meant the space shuttle. Now that would have made for an interesting adventure. :smiley:

My 3-year-old woke up this morning with this announcement, “Mama, you know, there is a boy called Alexander, and he was reading his book upside down, and he broke his brain!” This was followed with, “But it’s okay, he broke his brain and you had to fix it. It’s fixed now. Because you fix brains, right? And Papa fixes bones?.. That’s why you should never never read a book upside down!” I asked her where did this happen and she says, “Ummm… In my dream.” lol

(I am a neurosurgeon and hubby is an orthopedic surgeon, so I guess that’s where she got the ‘you fix brains and Papa fixes bones’ part, but I have no idea where she got the part about reading books upside down causing you to ‘break’ your brain! And for her to dream about it…!!! :blink:

My 2-year-old wanted a Bible story before bed instead of the usual Pooh Bear. I was reading the story of Abram in Canaan and he kept looking at the pictures, confused and a little worried. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to the picture of a large family in the desert and said ‘boom boom’ in a worried kind of way. When I asked what he meant, he said ‘boom boom - no cannon!’ and he was right. There was not one cannon in the picture lol Poor child thought they were being sent to be blown up :ohmy:

It took me a minute to get it, but that is hilarious. lol