Funny comment on my blog Jones Geniuses and Touch Math

Someone left this comment on an entry about my thoughts on Jones Genius and Touch math.

Cheap marketing ploy or real? How can you have a copy right on dots?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Jones Genuises Vs TouchMath”:

Please go to the DotMath for kids web site and look under the copyright tab. You will find that BOTH these programs are in violation of the copyright law and the rules of my web site. I own the copyright for the dots on top of the number from 1966. I am informing you at this time that you must stop using the dots on top of the number symbol and you must give credit for dot math to the ?DotMath for kids" web site and Owen Prince. You need to stop using these programs now before you do damage to your and your families ability to do math.

You will see that my last version of dot math I made in 1995 has the dice dots off the numbers because I found that the dots on top of the numbers can do harm to a persons ability to do math.

The number 6 to 9 in TchMath have dots with circles around the dot and the child is told the circle represents a second dot. This is very bad because a circle in math represents a group. The children need to have math that helps prepare them for higher grade math. They will need to be able to understand venn diagrams -when you put more than one dot in a circle to show (one group of two dots) and then add that to (one group of four dots) in another circle. Students should be able to overlap two circle to show how one set of dots can be in both groups.
Please do not put the dots on top of the number. These people who charge you large amounts of money are only interested in the large amount of money they can get from you. You can get the DotMath for kids dice charts from my web site for FREE. and the lesson plans DVD cost less than one chart in touch math. Jones matrix math site is almost impossible to get to and when you do all he shows is the cover of some math book. He does not give out even one sample and if he does I will file a complaint against him under the copyright law.

Owen Prince
copyright owner
dot math 1966
DotMath for kids 1995

If anyone is interested here is TouchMaths reply:

TouchMath has left a new comment on your post “Jones Genuises Vs TouchMath”:

Mr. Prince, the gentleman who crafted the previous comment, had a poorly created children’s workbook many years ago with his version of dots on and around numbers. Mr. Prince copyrighted his book, as anyone can put dots on numbers and copyright pages, but it is not possible to copyright the idea of dots on numbers. The dots Mr. Prince created were in patterns completely different than TouchMath and were inefficient and awkward for learner usage. His work lacked enough repetition for students to succeed and was not sufficiently scaffolded to help students make successful steps. He has changed his work several times over the years (random “dot” placement, domino patterns, and now a new “dot” placement) in an effort to make his program successful.

TouchMath was researched with children and teachers before it ever went to print, thus the need to change the patterns has been unnecessary.

TouchMath has been developed into a complete program with all of the necessary components to meet the Common Core State Standards Pre-K through second grade. For nearly 40 years, TouchMath has benefited millions of students and educators in thousands of school districts in the United States and around the world. Our global presence reaches schools in 14 foreign countries

As to Mr. Prince’s comments about venn diagrams, TouchMath prepares students for exactly that skill and it does not interfere with student progress in later math –– in that, or any other area.


I’m so sorry but the plot thickens…
This guy is nuts! LmAo!


Well this man is now out of control spamming my blog. So I wrote an entry to him…

Very funny!

I read your response very early this morning on my while on the way to dropping DH off at work and he asked “Hey, what’s so funny over there?!?!” lol (for the record, he was driving. :wink: ) .

Brilliant! lol

I loved your response :biggrin:

Just out of curiosity, I ran a google search on his name…and came across SEVERAL blogs within minutes of him using similar ridiculous tactics on various blogs!!! The language is always an attempt at intimidation.

I also had an outrageous giggle whilst reading his ‘dot math’ website…apparently, he has decided that if you have EVER used Touchmath in the past, you MUST send him an email assuring him that you will absolutely discontinue its use before you are allowed to download his free/ridiculously user-unfriendly material ( of which he also highly advises against using his original, ‘copyrighted’ materials!!!)

Maybe you should tell him that you would be happy to give him due credit and observe his ‘copyrights’ if he will please send you the necessary court documents showing an official court judgement against Touch Math or Jones Geniuses! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Teeheehee he hasn’t replied to my blog entry. But I agree Kerileanne. TouchMath emailed me and apparently the creator of the program has been dealing with this nut job for years. If he had a leg to stand on he would have felt with it years ago…
Dr Jones also replied to my email
Thank you for forwarding this comment to me. The Matrix Math program is significantly different from Dot Math and Touch Math and does not violate any
copyright. Touch Math uses double dots which we do not use and do not recommend. There are numerous other ways in which Matrix Math is significantly different
from Touch Math or DotMath for Kids. Putting dots on numbers did not originate in 1966, it has been done for ages. You can copyright your own system
but you cannot shut someone else down unless they copy your printed work in toto, especially for something as universal as putting dots on numbers.

The missive was rather frantic and confusing. There is absolutely no reason to think your “families ability to do math” will be harmed by doing a program
other than DotMath for Kids. It is somewhat disturbing for Owen Prince to say such a thing. So the 1995 DotMath program does not use dots on the numbers
but they claim to hold the copyright on dots and do not want anyone else to use dots either under threat of violating copyright law. I think that is the message.
No one has ever contacted me directly concerning this issue so their comments seem intended to intimidate consumers. This does not affect consumers at all.
Consumers can purchase and use whatever they wish.

Apparently, their complaints include how Matrix Math is displayed on our website and the lack of samples offered. We are happy to give samples to those
who contact us and ask for them (go to We receive lots of praise and very few complaints from those who have purchased our
materials and used them.

Dr. Miles Jones, founder Jones Geniuses Accelerated Education (author of the Matrix Math Early Learning Program)

Such drama! Thanks for sharing