funnix reading program for free

Dear friends
again funnix are releasing their on screen reading program free starting today till the 15th of feb
the link is :

i downloaded it last year but my daughter was already reading , i decided to save it for my baby boy , but unfortunately when i wanted to use it i couldn’t find it on my computer , probably got lost after reformatting my computer following a virus attack .
this time i am making sure to save the program on a dvd .
if you are familiar with teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons . this is the same but on the computer screen which i think will be more appealing for many of our kids .
hope somebody can use it

Viv, Thank you!

Karma to you!

Hi - Any one has used this reading program (and the math program)? How does it compare to Little Reader?

my kids were never into whole words , they looked at them but never read them back . i got frustrated felt i am going nowhere with reading . once they knew to letter sounds , i tried dad dude flashcards , they could sound out the words and read them , this is when i found about the book teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons . it is actually the reading program adopted by jone genius , i got it and i did one lesson a day in bed before her nap , i didn’t allow us to get frustrated , i would stop when i see she is not enjoying it and pick up next day . the nice thing about the book you don’t have to sound out word families , and after only few lessons you can read sentences , it build us , and you are ready paragraphs and this is really motivating for a child and the stories andsentences are really fun , not like the phonic readers i see nat , nat sat on bat , those my daughter hated them .she had very advanced listening skills and comprehension , so unless a boo has meat in it she won’t look at it . i bought many early phonic books we never used them . she was enjoying chapter books . 100 easy lessons was different , she was happy to do the lesson and see herself progressing . she enjoyed looking at the very end and would say : mama is it true by the time i finish all the lessons i will be able to read all this . only this was enough to motivate her to work on her lessons .
it took us few months and by the time we were done she was reading almost everything .
now her brother at three knew his letter sounds sinve he was 18 months , can sound cvc words , but doesn’t realize or try to read books , again like his sisters early phonetic books are too simple for his liking .
the difference i tried one lesson from the book and he wasn’t very cooperative , he is not ready and i don’t want to force him , what i did is pull out whatver in the lesson and teach him while playing without the book . i could continue like that for a while , but it will be a lot easier using funnix , it is computer screen which he loves, it is animated , he loves that also , so i hope it will work this time around for us .

Hi, at!

Welcome to the forum!
Funnix is completely different than LR! If you have children under 18 month old I do not think it will help you much.
theLR is your best Bet!
I wrote a list of materials that I am using to teach my 29 month old and 9 month old to read here on my blog:
hope this helps!

I downloaded it and looked at it , I was not impressed…
I haven’t showed it to my DD yet, We are doing different program for phonics: Reading Bear which works for us!

sorry \at i answered you leaving out the part about LR . nadia is right for tiny babies little reader is your best bet . even though my kids didn’t learn to read from it , but i used it anyway and i believe it help with their language explosion and comprehension at a very early age . Also hard to single one program and give it all the benefit . my kids also saw your baby can read , and we did signing time dvds . my kids were excellent at signing , they had their first words before 12 months , and i am sure all this early exposure helped . but i would say my kids didn’t read as infant like other kids did after using ybcr or little reader . only after giving my daughter phonic instructions that her reading took off , i did have sight words dvds but she was never interested in them , once could read phonetically this helped her figure out many of the sight words .
so depends on your baby’s age i will continue to do little reader , curriculum and amazing files shared by other parents , even make your own personalized files , your child will love them . i still use little reader with my five years old who is reading already commercial books . but you could safe funnix for future use , funnix 2 have very interesting readers nice stories that my tina loved .


Thank you very much for the books suggestion in Part 2!
I will check them out!
I also have to say that download was a breeze as well, compared to last year…
I have better internet this time though…

Phonics ideas are great.I never thought for this.
really the link is great.
let me to try with me first then to my Lil.
Honestly speaking ,as a science postgraduate I am a far away from language,English literature.
I am very much interested to learn and share. :laugh:

Thank you! :slight_smile: