Fun Way to Illustrate Musical Terms

With Two Green Bottles

The boy not only had great fun making noise using these recycled bottles as rattles, he was learning musical terms as well !

Shaking them Fast is “Allegro”. Shaking them slooooowly is “Adagio”.

He’d helped to fill one bottle with cut straws and the other with hard uncooked pasta. Shaking each bottle separately, he could tell which bottle was “forte”(loud) and which bottle was “piano”(soft).

And the fun did not stop there!

Throwing the bottles to “bounce” on the table showed a “staccato” action, but when he rolled them on the table, it was a “legato” (smooth). Cutting the straws, filling the bottles with the cut straws and uncooked pasta and screwing the bottle caps on tightly was also a great exercise in motorskills.

He was truly learning through play. An invaluable education.

Oh, and if anyone wants simple ways of explaining common Musical Terms, I did some cards for my Little Boy some years back: