FRUSTRATION with teaching my 5 month old how to read please help

Hi everybody,

I’m a new young mom and I been trying to do the “Your Baby Can Read” videos with my daughter but she doesn’t like it when I try to do the movements associated with the words like “arms up” or “wave” she fights me and doesn’t want me to touch her. This is making me loose interest in being consistent with the videos…and I just feel really bad that I can’t seem to teach her stuff. I really want to teach her but it just feels so much like I’m forcing her or that its work and I can’t seem to stay consistent. Please help me.

It’s great that you are trying to get involved with her, but why don’t you just let her watch the videos without trying to do the movements? She will probably do them on her own eventually, and there is no point in making her do something she doesn’t want to do. That will just make her hate learning.

Babies abilities and interests change vastly from month to month. There were quite a few things that I tried and my daughter didn’t seem interested so I would put it away then get it out again after a month and offer it again and sometime the response was very different and she was very interested. I found that my daughter really wasn’t interested in watching any DVDs or computer slide shows until she was 12 months old. She is now 14 months and she loves LR and YBCR, but a few months ago she wasn’t interested in either of them. I used printed flash cards with bigger writing when she was younger and that caught her attention a bit better - now she won’t sit still to watch flash cards. So, don’t get frustrated, but also don’t push it if she is not interested now. My advice is put it away and come back to it in a few weeks. Also YBCR is not something that needs to be viewed every day. Most babies with learn the words after seeing each one just a few times - so also check that she is not getting bored by seeing it too many times. Regarding the movements, I would just let her make the movements when she is ready - 5 months may be a bit early.

Sounds like you aren’t having trouble with teaching baby to read, but in the actions.

The way I look at this, babies are generally quite agreeable to doing new stuff… if they understand what it means. Otherwise, its just you distracting her from the video. Why not let her watch and figure out that the words on the screen mean something, since the same word is followed by a similar thing each time. I don’t know how YBCR is, but I’m talking of say… LR. If the word clap comes up and it may be in different voices and letters and actions by different people, but the letters always look similar to each other, the voices seem to be saying the same thing and the different people seem to be doing the same action, then the more she is allowed to simply realize this undisturbed, the more quickly she will figure out that these things MEAN stuff.

Once that happens, only then she will enjoy doing the actions, because then she will be participating. Otherwise, the action is separate from what she is seeing. Maybe she is enjoying it so much that she can’t stand even mommy getting between her and her ‘reading’.

Or maybe she just doesn’t like it… then do something else.

Wear T-shirts with words and funny pics, label things around the house, read signs and shop names as you go for a walk… the possibilities are endless - she’s sure to enjoy something

Hi I’am new to this site but I had the same experince with my daughter who is 9+ month, what I did was not to force her I just let her watch the slide show and I point at her nose, eyes what ever it come in the slide show if she does’nt like you touching her you point at yourself and show her where is nose, eyes… what ever come on the slide show slowly she will get interest to it. Mean while when ever you are free put her on your lap facing you and teach her simple things like what’s on your face and point at yourself first then point at your baby gradually she will pick up. Baby need to know the meaning first for them to get interest then they will enjoy learnign.
My baby in one week time said ball, duck and point at my nose after watching the slide show but I don’t really rely on the slide show I always keep on telling word to her while cooking, playing or while bathing… repetation is the key of success I notice. never force her to watch or do someting which your baby don’t like or they will lose interest immediately and don’t want to do it anymore. Let your baby take her own time he/she is only 5 month. keep on teaching you will be suprise to see your baby will show something or say something that’s what my baby did I was suprise :slight_smile: all the best!


Thank you all for your responses. I think she was bored of the words because when I played the new dvd she was watching attentively but when i put the old dvd back she found something else to look at lol.

I tried to test her and it seems like she new the first couple of words because she would grab the right card but then she started to get some wrong and then I tested the old words and she got those wrong…I’m starting to think that it was a coincidence that she grab the right card in the beginning…She’s 6 months now and I’m probably just too analytical.