"From the City of Love"

Good day to all of you! I’m Wilnie from the city of love, Iloilo City, Philippines… I’m very excited to introduce myself to you guys not realizing few minutes from now its 2am and my 14months old boy is already sleeping and asked for a bottle of milk a while ago… and i could see myself browsing in the net til he asked for another milk (",)… Its nice to know that there is a web site like this who cares about what parents like me needs to nourish my little one… I read lots of articles that i think could help me to mold my child the way i want him to be but i do believe that experience is the best teacher… and for an experienced parents like those of you who’s been sharing their own stories… i think its best for me to be here…

Hope to learn from you and hope i could share my experience too…

By the way… Lappy im very thankful for the warm welcome message you have sent me… Godspeed! :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome to the forums! It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

hahaha! Nhikki i hope you wont mind if i correct you… I have a 14month old baby boy named jonas… the picture is not my son its in the web site, im figuring out how to upload my sons pic… yet… sooner you will see my handsome angel…

and funny we have the same nickname though the spelling is different… my family calls me nick-nick or nicky…

you know what… im enjoying the forum… im almost exploring it for about an hour…

May your day be beautiful! (",)

I am so sorry about that. That message was meant for another member. I’m glad you are enjoying the forum.

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in


Hello Wilnie! :blush:

Welcome to our BrillKids Forums!

Be sure to browse through the different topics on early education here in the forums - and please feel free to participate in the discussions, too! We hope that you will share your parenting experience with us here, and I look forward to reading about your adventures while teaching your little one!

We also recommend visiting our BrillBaby website for more information about how to teach your baby - the site covers several topics that may interest you: from prenatal stimulation to life skills to teach your little one.

We’re glad to have you!

Lappy :happy:

Hi everyone! Please visit the Philippines board so you guys can all have a chat with each other! [And don’t forget to place a vote in the poll I made there!]


Happy foruming!
