French success! :)

Ella has been on some sort of French-learning spree for the past several days, insisting on French audiobooks and DVDs ONLY during our language learning time. This morning, she said to me spontaneously, “Maman, ou est Papa?” I asked her why (in English - I can’t speak a word of French.) And she said, “Je veux jouer à cache-cache avec Papa.” :yes:

Okay, it might be a little premature to claim French success based on two sentences. lol But considering that French is her 5th (and weakest) language, that she had just only turned 3, and that we don’t speak any French at home, I am pretty amazed and happy! :smiley:

Anyway, just wanted to share… especially with parents who are wondering how many languages a child can absorb and learn. :slight_smile:

It is really great!!! Congratulations!!!
It is very inspiring, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

So happy for you!

Your Ella’s success is always such an encouragement for us!

Wow that is really great. Congratulations! We are just starting our French adventure and hopefully we will be able to find success as well.

Go Ella!
Thanks amazing!

Wow, five different languages - that is amazing.

Congrats, Lori

Fantastic!!! Ella and you are my inspirtations! I am teaching 3 languages to my son right now, and hoping to add one more. Two of the four are languages I neither can speak nor understand. lol

Keep up the good work, and keep us update on Ella’s progress. :slight_smile:


you guys are always such an inspiration to us, love it!!! great job ella!!! :slight_smile:

MY, My now you get me thinking about Japanese again.
Good job, aangeles…:slight_smile:

Wow great job! Thanks for sharing.

Wow, thanks for all the encouragement! This incident has gotten me really motivated to become more consistent with our language schedule and learning activities. :yes:

Bravo Ella et maman . Felicitations !!! would you please share with us your language schedule ?? how do you manage to fit all those languages into your day ?? my tina is into reading french now , but i find myself inconsistent in our learning , kinda of stick a dvd or play some songs only when i remember instead of sticking to a schedule . i love to be able to teach them more vocabulary words in the foreign language , do more hands on activities . any advice would be apreciated.

wow…that’s is remarkable!! HOw do you do it mommies? I am planning to teach my son another language…but for ella, five different languages!!Good job mommy!

Care to share how your schedule is and what dvd’s or tools you use? Thanks.

Well done Ella.
Aangeles,which material are you using to teach Ella. I would like to teach my 10 month old languages:Chinese, Spanish and French. I don’t speak any of these languages.I am looking for CDs ,DVDs and audio books.
thank you very much in advance for your help.

Hi LM,

I get asked this question a lot, so here is my updated list of resources for the following languages.


  1. Baby’s First Words in Chinese CD -

  2. Music CDs and audiobooks in Chinese

  3. Baby Learns Chinese DVDs

  4. Wink to Learn Chinese DVDs and Sing to Learn CDs

  5. Little Reader Chinese

6) Four Golden Princess music videos on Youtube (these have simplified chinese subtitles but good for getting her familiar with chinese nursery songs and rhymes)

  1. Smart Tiger DVDs -

8 ) Taoshu and Shapes books with CDs -

  1. Miscellaneous audiobooks -

For product reviews and comparison of the Chinese learning DVDs mentioned above, please see my old post here:

Will post my list of French and Spanish resources soon! Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Hi Aangeles
Thank you thank you thank you ever so much for taking your time to write this list. It does help a lot. U and your daughter are such an inspiration.I will definatly get this material. :smiley:

Thank you Angeles for sharing all this information!!! I subscribed to this topic and very much appreciate your time! I can’t wait to read what you are using for French :slight_smile: Thank you again!

I have posted on several threads before regarding French and Spanish resources that we have used/are using, but I decided to do an updated list and collate everything I have here. This is also for my own benefit since I am reorganizing and taking stock of all the resources that I have in order to prepare for the new school year this coming fall. :slight_smile: By the way, a lot of these resources can be found in your local library (or via interlibrary loan), and I got a lot of my books/audiobooks cheap on eBay or on sale from the publishers. :smiley:


1) Audio CDs

Baby’s First Steps in French -’s+first+words+in+french

Un Deux Trois First French Rhymes -'s+first+words+in+french

Songs in French for Children -

Lyric Language French (CD+DVD) -

Little Pim French Bop -

Music That Teaches French -

2) Learning DVDs

Little Pim French -

Babybit French -

Wink to Learn French -

Professor Toto -

Muzzy French -

3) Books/Audiobooks/Workbooks

Je Lis Mes Mots Outils series 1-4 (French sightwords) -

Petit Ours Brun -

Joue Avec Bali -ÅMÅZÕÑ&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=bali+magdalena&x=0&y=0

Zoe et Theo -ÅMÅZÕÑ&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=zoe+et+theo&rh=n%3A301061%2Ck%3Azoe+et+theo

Mes Premiers Martine (These books are in cursive typefont) -ÅMÅZÕÑ&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=mes+premiers+martine&rh=n%3A301061%2Ck%3Ames+premiers+martine

Reading A-Z leveled French readers -

Learn French with Max et Mathilde (with CD) -

Plaisir de Lire series of fairy tales and fables (with CD) -

Ana Lomba Easy French Storybooks (with CD) -

Berlitz kids Adventures with Nicholas series (with CD) -

French for Children (with CD) -

4) Software

Early Start French -
Muzzy Interactive
Rosetta Stone

5) Ipad Apps (We have a lot of these for learning French, but these are the ones I have found most useful and/or that Ella likes the most.)

eFlash French
Premiers Mots
Mots Fleches
Play2Learn French
Les Copains de la Foret
Play & Learn French
Easy Reader (developed by learnfriends)
Card Matching Game (also from learnfriends)
Le QI de l’enfant
Multilingual storybooks/e-books

6) Things I am planning to try out when she is a little older:

French magazine subscription for kids; these are some of my options:'apprends+a+lire

A structured French curriculum, such as:
Skoldo -
So You Really Want to Learn French -

Quite helpful, thanks for sharing!

I forgot to mention that the Martine books are also available as interactive Ipad books, in French, English, and Dutch. You can choose to have the book read to you, or touch each word to have it pronounced, or you can read it by yourself. There are interactive definitions and explanations of difficult vocab words, and games at the end of each book. Quite lovely and one of Ella’s fave apps.