Free Web based planner for homeschool

Here is a link to a software (free web based planner) that is free to download it is a software that helps you to schedule your home school. Children can log into their daily calender that you have set for them. You can upload their work and they can send it back through the web. It is awesome! I love creating my schedule here and then logging in as my child and marking off the duties that he has done. You can print the schedule and more. It is how i have done my homeschool schedule and have documentation that we have covered everything that we need to. The site also includes home school curriculum. Check it out.

That’s a good idea for Australian homeschoolers as the government does random checks and it’s important to show you are ontop of things and organised. Also they require you to register each year and show IN ADVANCE what you will be covering that next school year for each school-age child. So you need to be on the ball getting prepared a year before the child “goes to primary school” so the paperwork is ready by the cut-off date.

Great find. Thank you for posting it

very interesting
ed. :laugh: