We used the Doman program for our now 8 year-old with fabulous results (he has been reading at an adult level for the last two years or so.) I remembered Larry Sanger’s website, but I’m trying to find the other websites that had free powerpoints on them. Does anyone know of the others? I’m not sure they are even still active, but am trying to help out a friend who has a 10 month old and doesn’t have the money to afford Little Reader right now.
Hi jillsy27, you can also ask your friend to check out the BrillKids Library (http://library.brillkids.com) - we have a “Free Format Downloads” which includes flash cards, activity sheets and slideshows in PDF, PPT and some DOC formats.
The files in the library can be downloaded for free, once she has signed up for a BrillKids account.
I’ve just come across this blog with free printable Doman style cards https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5LX9_8_1VaQnRQbjNXRHNMLU0/viewdomanmom.com/2015/08/word-cards/
There are over 400 double-sided cards with a word on one side and a picture on the other. To download the pdf you nees to click on the picture. Probably that could be an option for your friend.
If you do a search, I’m sure you’ll find many more.
Another great free resource I came across when teaching my students was Beestar. I really like how my students have been able to pick up new math skills quickly after I switched to Beestar. One of them was struggling with learning his multiplication table for his upcoming tests and the worksheets gave him that incentive and confidence he needed. I think that there are a bunch of great resources now and it is important to make sure you know the strengths/weakness/learning style of your child to really help them. It has been said that there are 9 different areas of intellect and I think Beestar does a great job on touching all 9 areas with their current program.
There is a simple free service which allow to make flash cards by your images: http://mydomancards.com It also contains prepared collections of cards to watch and download.